Year in Review

Amendment 3 enshrines abortion in Missouri constitution

New Laudato Si’ Commission to tackle creation care through education, support of parishes

Amendment 3 intertwines abortion with other forms of reproductive services

Renewed approach to young adult ministry helps transitory age group find their place in the Church

Annual Catholic Appeal raises record amount to support ministries across the archdiocese

St. Peter Claver is namesake given to new parish combining four northside churches

Mass of Consecration highlights Amber Buchheit’s calling to spousal relationship with the Lord

‘Jesus is all around’: St. Louis Catholics experience National Eucharistic Congress

‘Eucharistic witnesses in the world’

Archdiocese of St. Louis releases report on involvement in slavery at 3rd annual Maafa

Sixteen men ordained to the permanent diaconate for the Archdiocese of St. Louis

A bridge out of homelessness

New priests are called to serve as instruments of hope, healing and unity in the Church

New Christian initiation efforts open path to the sacraments for students at St. Louis University High, St. Dominic

Augustine Institute closes on former Boeing property

New campus a ‘safe haven’ to learn, grow in faith

New partnerships help Rural Parish Clinic connect, care for people in need

A celestial spectacle

Fontbonne University announces it will close in 2025

Life’s River shelter to address issue of homelessness in Washington

Parishes invited to offer Lenten Stations of the Cross for gun violence victims

Holy Family chosen as patron for new Arnold parish

Twenty-five years after Pope John Paul II’s visit to St. Louis, Catholics reflect on his life, legacy