December 21, 2023 Simbang Gabi is a Filipino is a tradition that honors the Blessed Mother in the days leading up to Christmas
January 5, 2023 SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Labor and delivery are painful, but something beautiful is brought forth
January 5, 2023 SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | El parto y el dar a luz son dolorosos, pero algo hermoso surge
December 22, 2022 SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | Nuestras vulnerabilidades son lugares que nos abren a Jesús y su plan
December 22, 2022 SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Our vulnerabilities are places that open us up to Jesus and His plan
December 22, 2022 Wreaths Across America ceremony held at Resurrection Cemetery to remember, pray for veterans
December 15, 2022 SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | Varias ‘anunciaciones’ bíblicas ofrecen lecciones a medida que nos acercamos a la Navidad
December 15, 2022 SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Several scriptural ‘annunciations’ offer lessons as we approach Christmas
December 22, 2021 SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Christmas message from Archbishop Rozanski | The gift of God’s love
December 23, 2020 Our Lady of Sorrows lights display is an effort to bring hope, joy to the neighborhood
December 5, 2019 “Stations” of Advent are a way to help us connect the birth of Jesus and the Second Coming at the end of time
November 22, 2019 During Advent, preparing our hearts for the coming of the Lord comes through emulating the key figures of the Nativity
January 31, 2019 “Lessons and Carols” event Dec. 17 to feature readings, display of images from Saint John’s Bible
June 26, 2018 EDITORIAL | With joy-filled hearts, let’s continue the Christmas celebration all season long