All Things New

All Things New update

Archdiocesan news briefs

Parishes in St. Charles County embrace spirit of collaboration

Vatican issues decisions on appeals for five parishes

New sense of community

Holy Family chosen as patron for new Arnold parish

Vatican to review appeals from three additional parishes

No parish elementary school closures recommended by pastors after fall consultations

Vatican’s Dicastery for the Clergy has responded to several parish appeals related to All Things New

Vicariates’ work underway to foster collaboration, bring services closer to parishes and people

St. Josephine Bakhita becomes namesake of new north St. Louis parish

Archdiocesan elementary school pastor consultations planned for October

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Rebuilding involves both external and internal dimensions

Archbishop Rozanski suspends effects of decrees for seven parishes

Grief, memories shared at final Masses

Parish structure changes as part of All Things New to go into effect Aug. 1

SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | Los ejemplos bíblicos nos muestran cómo dirigirnos cuando enfrentamos dificultades

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Biblical examples guide us in our pivots after things don’t go the way we want

Archbishop Rozanski receives nearly 800 letters with feedback related to All Things New

Archbishop Rozanski receives nearly 800 letters with feedback related to All Things New

Parish restructuring starts new chapter in archdiocese

Formation of vicariates will put support closer to parishes and the people they serve

Decrees explain changes to parish structures

Archbishop Rozanski’s message to the faithful

Catholics share their reactions to All Things New announcement

DEAR FATHER | A profound witness to the power of the Holy Spirit

As announcement of All Things New plan nears, here’s what you should know

Novena to the Holy Spirit calls on an outpouring of the Spirit as All Things New decision nears

Archbishop announces establishment of vicariates; three priests named as episcopal vicars

Archdiocese makes public a third round of recommended parish models under All Things New

SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | Dios planta semillas de bendición dentro de la adversidad

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | God plants seeds of blessing within adversity

DEAR FATHER | Jesus gives us the grace to take the next right step amid frustration and change

Archdiocese of St. Louis releases second round of draft models as part of All Things New

Published parish summaries are another piece of information for All Things New decision-making

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | With faith, we can receive all that Jesus wants to offer us

SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | Con fe, podemos recibir todo lo que Jesús quiere ofrecernos

What is evangelization? Catholics in the pews share their perspectives of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with others

SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | El parto y el dar a luz son dolorosos, pero algo hermoso surge

Education survey results show support for increased teacher pay, tiered tuition

Catholics in the archdiocese called to continue to be witnesses of the Good News through All Things New

Archdiocese announces changes to elementary schools will be postponed until 2024-25 school year

Archdiocese releases information on Catholic elementary schools, working toward a new model for Catholic education

All Things New parish listening sessions unveil proposed draft models for future of parishes in the archdiocese

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Good questions make for effective tools for evangelization

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | People are waiting for meaningful conversations

Registration opens for All Things New listening sessions

SIRVAN AL SEÑOR CON ALEGRÍA | Morir y resucitar con Jesús es la meta de nuestras vidas como cristianos

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Let’s receive Jesus more deeply in the tension of our lives

SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS | Let’s share with others the deeper fruits of our contemplation