Religious communities celebrate ordinations, profession of vows
Religious with ties to St. Louis answer God’s call to priesthood, consecrated life
Several religious communities have or will be celebrating ordinations and professions of vows this year, some of whom have men and women with ties to St. Louis.
Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
Four Jesuits of the USA Central and Southern (UCS) Province were ordained to the priesthood June 10 in New Orleans. Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond of New Orleans presided at the ordination Mass, held at Holy Name of Jesus Church.
Fathers William A. McCormick and W. Tucker Redding lived and worked in St. Louis during their Jesuit formation. Father McCormick taught at Saint Louis University and Father Redding studied there. Father Redding will spend his first pastoral year at St. Francis Xavier “College” Church.
The two were ordained alongside Fathers José R. Dueño Gorbea and Aric M. Serrano. They are among the 17 Jesuits to be ordained in the United States, Canada and Haiti this year.
Order of Preachers (Dominicans)
The Dominicans of the Province of St. Albert the Great recently ordained two men to the priesthood and one man to the diaconate May 20 at St. Pius V Church in south St. Louis. Archbishop Mitchell T. Rozanski presided at the ordination Mass.
Fathers Jordan Joseph DeGuire and Peter Martyr Lewitzke were ordained to the priesthood, and Deacon Matthew Paul Grote was ordained to the diaconate.
Brother Dominick Jean anticipates making his solemn vows with the Province of St. Albert the Great on Aug. 12 at
From left, Father Hung Pham, SJ, provincial assistant for formation, Father Thomas Greene, SJ, provincial, Jesuit Fathers Aric Serrano, Tucker Redding, Bill McCormick and José Dueño Gorbea and Archbishop Gregory … Religious communities celebrate ordinations, profession of vows
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