Obituary | Sister Mary Theresa Fox, DC
Sister Mary Theresa Fox died at Seton Residence in Evansville, Indiana, on June 5. She had served in the St. Louis area at DePaul Health Center, Saint Louis University and the former St. Vincent’s Hospital.
Born in Indianapolis, Sister Mary Theresa entered the Daughters of Charity in St. Louis in 1948. After initial formation in St. Louis, Sister Mary Theresa received her nursing training at St. Joseph Hospital in Chicago and began her ministry as a supervisor in the areas of medical/surgical, psychiatric and pediatrics nursing at St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, before coming to St. Louis to work at St. Vincent Hospital from 1953-62. She also served as a clinical specialist and nurse practitioner at St. Vincent Hospital from 1972-75. Sister Mary Theresa was a mental health clinical specialist instructor at DePaul Health Center in Bridgeton from 1978-87 and at Saint Louis University from 1978-83. She served as local community superior at Marillac Provincial House in St. Louis from 1983-86.
Sister Mary Theresa, who received a bachelor’s degree in nursing education from DePaul University in Chicago and a master’s degree in psychiatric nursing from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., also served at hospitals in Waco, Texas; New Orleans; Chicago; and Springfield, Missouri.
She lived at The Sarah Community in Bridgeton from 2011-16 before moving to Evansville, Ind. Burial was in St. Joseph Cemetery in Evansville. A memorial Mass will be held at a later date.
Sr. Fox Sister Mary Theresa Fox died at Seton Residence in Evansville, Indiana, on June 5. She had served in the St. Louis area at DePaul Health Center, Saint Louis … Obituary | Sister Mary Theresa Fox, DC
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