
OBITUARY | Sister Mary Dianne Ferguson, RSM

Sr. Ferguson

Sister Mary Dianne Ferguson, RSM, died on Feb. 10 at Catherine’s Residence in Frontenac at the age of 89. A native of North Little Rock, Arkansas, she was a member of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas for 69 years.

Sister Dianne (Patricia Joe Ferguson) was born on July 14, 1935, the first of five children born to Ralph and Josephine (Uekmen) Ferguson. She entered the Sisters of Mercy in Webster Groves on Sept. 8, 1956. On Aug. 15, 1957, she received the habit and her religious name at Our Lady of Mercy Convent in Frontenac. She professed final vows on Aug. 16, 1964.

Sister Dianne earned a bachelor’s degree in education at Incarnate Word University in San Antonio, Texas, and also received a teaching certificate for life. In 1961, she began her teaching career at Mount St. Mary Grade School in Little Rock and St. Patrick’s Elementary School in North Little Rock. She also taught in elementary schools in Mission and Rio Grande City, Texas; Biloxi, Mississippi; Ft. Smith, Arkansas; New Orleans; Springfield, Missouri; Webster Groves and St. Louis.

From 1981-2019, Sister Dianne served at the St. Louis Province finance offices located at Our Lady of Mercy Convent, later known as Mercy Center in St. Louis, before moving to Catherine’s Residence.

She is best remembered for her love of roses, her skill as a primary teacher and her passion for St. Louis Cardinals baseball and professional football. She also enjoyed walking around the grounds of Mercy Conference and Retreat Center and sharing the treadmill in the exercise room with her coworkers. She served as sacristan and liturgy assistant at Mercy Center’s chapel.

She is survived by her sisters Dianne Hudson and Judy Wright, her brother Tony Ferguson Sr. and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, her brother Ralph Ferguson, and brothers-in-law, Ed and Freddie.

A private memorial Mass and burial will be held for Sister Dianne.