OBITUARY | Brother John Mangogna, CM
A funeral Mass for Vincentian Brother John J. Mangogna was celebrated Nov. 16 at Mary Mother of God Chapel at St. Mary’s of the Barrens in Perryville. Brother John died Nov. 12 at Apostle of Charity Residence at St. Mary of the Barrens. He was 74 years old.
Born on Jan. 20, 1946, in St. Louis to Costenzio Mangogna and Santa (Sirna) Mangogna, he was baptized shortly thereafter at St. Augustine Church. He attended St. Augustine School, All Saints School and Mercy High School, graduating in 1964. He discerned a vocation to the Vincentians as a brother. He applied to the Congregation of the Mission and was accepted into the novitiate in 1965, making temporary vows in 1967. He made his final vows in 1972 at St. Mary of the Barrens in Perryville.
In Brother John’s early years, he explored various apostolates. He was assigned to St. Thomas Seminary in Denver for one year, where he took courses in the undergraduate program. He also thought of pursuing a counseling degree and working in high school and college seminaries, helping students. He helped the brothers on the farm where he enjoyed being out in the fresh air and sunlight and working with the cattle.
In time, Brother John’s direction focused on the farm apostolate. It proved to be a 48-year calling to tend to God’s creation and its creatures, to provide food for the local community, and to protect the earth for future generations. As the Church, community and life at the Barrens changed drastically during these years, the farm operation downsized, and then finally was ended. Brother John’s work, and the work of the brothers, brought a graceful and grace-filled end to the farm at the Barrens. Land that once was used for farming now became a haven for monarch butterflies through the ongoing work of Brother John and the farm brothers. Echoing Pope Francis’s “Laudato ‘Si” in action, this project is one way that Brother John and the farm brothers continued to respect and nurture the earth.
Survivors include four brothers, Thomas Mangogna of St. Louis, Stanley Mangogna of Hazelwood, Vito Mangogna of Florissant, and Mark Mangogna of St. Louis; and two sisters, Joan Finnegan of Crestwood and Marla Mangogna of Kansas City, Missouri. Burial was in the Vincentian Community Cemetery in Perryville.
Br. Mangogna A funeral Mass for Vincentian Brother John J. Mangogna was celebrated Nov. 16 at Mary Mother of God Chapel at St. Mary’s of the Barrens in Perryville. Brother … OBITUARY | Brother John Mangogna, CM
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