Archdiocesan news

Submit your parish’s information for our Lenten fish fry listing

Photo by Sid Hastings Jr

Use the submission form below to submit information about your parish or other Catholic organization’s fish fry this Lent. Please only submit one time per parish. The map and list will be published by Monday, March 3. For questions, please email

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Include the name of the parish or Catholic organization that is hosting the fish fry.
Include the city or neighborhood where the organization is located. This is especially helpful when there are multiple parishes with the same name (such as Sacred Heart, St. Joseph, etc)
In order to show the listing on the map, please include all of this information separated by commas, in the following format: 20 Archbishop May Dr, St. Louis, MO 63119
Include the time range the fish fry goes. For example, 4-7 p.m., 4:30-8 p.m., 11 a.m.-7 p.m.
Select the boxes next to the dates for the fish fry.
If there is an email, phone number or website for more information, list it here.
If there is an email, phone number or website for people to place orders ahead of time, list it here.
This field is to include any information about what makes this fish fry standout or unique. Feel free to include unique entertainment or food offerings, Stations of the Cross or other prayer opportunities before or after, etc. Note, there is a limit of 30 words.
This required email will only be used if staff from the St. Louis Review needs to get in contact with you about the submission. The other contact fields will be public for people to reach out for ordering or with questions.
