
Jubilarians | Sisters of the Good Shepherd (RGS)

60th First Profession

Sister Pauline Bilbrough

Birth name: Pauline Bilbrough

Birthplace: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Entrance: 1961

First profession: 1964

Education: Bachelor’s in sociology and a minor in psychology, Dunbarton College of the Holy Cross, 1970

Master’s in health care administration, Mercer University, Georgia, 1995

Certificate in psychological aspects of aging, 1975

Certificate in holistic health perspectives, 1984

Service in the archdiocese: Local leader and co-leader, Immaculate Heart Convent at Mason Pointe-Lutheran Senior Services, Chesterfield, 2018-23

Service outside the archdiocese: Washington D.C. area group leader and program coordinator positions in residential and diagnostic programs, 1962-74

Administrator, St. Joseph Residence, a Good Shepherd retirement community for RGS sisters in Baltimore, 1974-77

Program director, Discovery Group Homes for delinquent and dependent adolescent girl, Philadelphia, 1977-80

Local coordinator, Philadelphia and Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, 1980-84

Provincial administrator for the Washington Province, 1984-90

Manager, Marian Manor elder care facility, Atlanta Georgia, 1990

Local administrator, St. Joseph Residence, Baltimore, 1995-2000

Local leader, Clark Summit Community in Pennsylvania 2000-09

About Sister Pauline Bilbrough: Sister Pauline enjoys reading books, walking in the country, sitting outdoors in the sun, playing challenging games, and praying for all the Good Shepherd sisters serving throughout the world.

Sister Mary Renee Scheich

Birth name: Marilynn Marie Scheich

Birthplace: Louisville, Kentucky

Entrance: 1963

First profession: 1966

Final profession: 1971

Education: Master’s in education, Xavier University, 1982

Service in the archdiocese: Adult literacy and reading specialist, St. Louis

Missioned to Mason Pointe Senior Living Community

Service outside the archdiocese: Adult literacy and reading specialist in Cincinnati Ohio; Louisville, Kentucky; Detroit, Michigan; Cleveland, Ohio; and Los Angeles, California

About Sister Mary Renee Scheich: I love my God who is always forgiving and is peace. I love my life, present, past and future. I love resurrections and the Eucharist. I love people, singing, praying, doing art, reading, writing, gardening, swimming and enjoying flowers and nature.

65th First Profession

Sister Sharon Rose of the Holy Spirit Authorson

Birth name: Sharon Rose Authorson

Birthplace: Alhambra, California

Entrance: 1956

First profession: 1959

Final profession: 1966

Service in the archdiocese: Altar bread ministry, Contemplative Sisters, St. Louis, 1968-2020

Province leadership team, 2015-present

Prayer and presence, Mason Pointe, 2020-present

About Sister Sharon Rose of the Holy Spirit Authorson: Sister Sharon Rose feels a deep joy and gratitude to God for calling her to an international congregation. For her it is a blessing to belong to an order with sisters in active ministry as well as those who are called to a contemplative lifestyle. Her fourth vow of zeal to “live and pray for the salvation of souls” motivates her prayer and her contemplative lifestyle. Sister Sharon Rose loves to read and listen to music and is energized by taking time and space for solitude. Sharing relaxation with her community members is also life-giving and an occasion of enjoyment for her.

Sister Mary Louise Nazaryk

Birth name: Leona Nazaryk

Birthplace: Carroll, Iowa

Entrance: 1957

First profession: 1959

Final profession: 1962

Education: Early Childhood Certificate, Chicago, Illinois

Service in the archdiocese: St. Ann’s Preschool, 2015-19

Prayer and presence, Lutheran Senior Services, 2019-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teaching preschool and young girls in Las Vegas, Phoenix, Chicago and Los Angeles

About Sister Mary Louise Nazaryk: I am a lifelong learner. I like to walk and I enjoy word-search puzzles

Sister Nora Patricia (Sister Mary of St. James) O’Flannigan

Birth name: Nora Patricia O’Flannigan

Birthplace: Laramie, Wyoming

Entrance: 1956

First profession: 1959

Education: Graduated from Fontbonne College in St. Louis

Studied for three years at the Regina Mundi Institute in Rome

Service in the archdiocese: Principal, Good Shepherd High School, 1960-62

Program director and group leader, Marygrove, Florissant, 1970-75

Provincial superior, St. Louis Province, 1990-2000

Service outside the archdiocese: Principal, Our Lady of the River High School, New Orleans, 1962-66

Administrator of a program for women from prison, New Orleans, 1976-82

Director of programs and administrator of a program for homeless women living on the streets, Los Angeles

Group leader, DeNeuville Heights School, Memphis, 1982

Served in Guam, 2000-03

Served in Korea, 2003-06

Served in Baltimore, Maryland

About Sister Nora Patricia O’Flannigan: Sister Nora Pat loves gardening, classical and country music and Korean cooking. She also loves the liturgy and tries to be creative in her prayer experiences.

70th First Profession

Sister Mary Anita Kristofco

Birth name: Anna Kristofco

Birthplace: Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Entrance: 1952

First profession: 1954

Final profession: 1957

Education: Bachelor’s in social studies, St. Joseph University, 1973

Master’s in counseling and human relations, Villanova University, 1985

Master’s in pastoral theology, St. Mary of the Woods College, 1994

Service in the archdiocese: Assistant, Good Shepherd Art Center, 2017-18

Prayer and presence, Mason Pointe, 2018-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Served at domestic violence shelter, Guam, 1982-95

Family services, Czech Republic, 1996-98

Bookkeeper, Good Shepherd Services, Atlanta, Georgia, 1998-2015

About Sister Mary Anita Kristofco: She enjoys jigsaw puzzles and art, especially acrylic painting