Archdiocesan news

Jubilarians | Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet (CSJ)

40th Reception

Sister Kathleen Eiler, CSJ

Birthplace: St. Louis

Education: Bachelor’s in American studies, Notre Dame College of St. Louis, 1974

Master’s in elementary education administration, St. Mary College, Winona, Minnesota, 1988

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Valle Grade School, 1981-83

Teacher, St. Cecilia Grade School, 1983-84

Teacher, St. Adalbert Grade School, 1984-85

Teacher, St. Louis Cathedral Grade School, 1985-87

Assistant principal and religion coordinator, St. Louis Cathedral Grade School, 1987-88

Teacher, St. Louis Cathedral Grade School, 1988-89

Principal, Corpus Christi District School, 1989-97

Principal, Sts. Joachim and Ann Grade School, 1997-2002

Sabbatical, 2002

Staff, Province Treasurer Office, St. Joseph Provincial House, 2003-06

Office assistant, St. Joseph’s Academy, 2006-08

Home services and spiritual companioning, CSJ Care, 2008-10

Vocation and formation ministry, co-director for St. Joseph the Worker, spiritual companioning, St. Joseph Provincial House, 2010-12

Spiritual companioning, St. Joseph Provincial House, 2012-present

50th Reception

Sister Mary Pamela Harding, CSJ

Education: Bachelor’s in French, history, secondary education, Fontbonne College, 1969

Master’s in French/Romance languages and literature, University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1979

Service in the archdiocese: Student, St. Joseph Novitiate Community, 1970-71

Teacher, St. Joseph’s Academy, 1978-81

Assistant principal, St. Joseph’s Academy, 1984-2001

Sabbatical, 2001-02

Administration assistant and office manager, Congregational Center, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, 2002-12

Executive assistant, Congregational Center, Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, 2012-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Little Flower High School, Chicago, Illinois, 1969-70

Teacher, St. Teresa’s Academy, Kansas City, Missouri, 1971-78

Assistant principal, St. Joseph Academy, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 1981-84

About Sister Mary Pamela Harding, CSJ: As a member of St. Gerard Majella Parish for many years, she has served on the parish council and taught in the Parish School of Religion (PSR) program for 8 years.

50th Reception

Sister Nancy Corcoran, CSJ

Birthplace: Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Entrance: 1970

Education: Bachelor’s in government, Regis College, Weston, Massachusetts, 1966

Master’s in theological studies, Harvard Divinity School, 1991

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Agnes Grade School, 1969-70

Student, St. Joseph Novitiate, 1970-71

Teacher, Holy Name Grade School, 1971-77

Director of volunteer services, Nazareth Living Center, 1979-82

Province leadership team, St. Joseph Provincialate, 2008-14

Sabbatical, 2015-17

Chaplaincy, Visitation Community, 2017-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Art team, Broom County Schools, Binghampton, New York, 1977-79

Rural community education and development, Mosses Catholic Center, Hayneville, Alabama, 1982-88

Evangelization and literacy, Excel Inc., Okolona, Mississippi, 1988-89

Student, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Ma, 1989-91

Campus minister, Regina Dominican High School, Willmette, Illinois, 1991-97

Campus minister, Regis College, Weston, Massachusetts, 1997-98

Director, Grass Roots: Women’s Spirituality Center, Newton, Massachusetts, 1998-2008

Director of new campus ministry and Catholic chaplaincy, Wellesey College, Wellesley, Massachusetts 2007-15

About Sister Nancy Corcoran, CSJ: Study has also blessed Sister Nancy’s life at University of Hawaii, Saint Louis University, Martin Center (now University), the Mexican American Cultural Center, Boston College, the Institute of Black Catholic Studies and Dar al Islam. She is grateful to have chosen to be a Sister of St. Joseph over 50 years ago.

60th Reception

Sister Roseanne (Sister Joseph Marian) Siebert, CSJ

Birthplace: Ste. Genevieve

Education: Bachelor’s in deaf education, Fontbonne College, 1964

Master’s in speech/pathology/audiology, University of Iowa, 1971

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf, 1964-85

Speech and language specialist, St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf, 1987-98

Associate principal, St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf, 1999-2002

Assistant principal for elementary education, St. Joseph Institute for the Dear, 2002-06

Academic program coordinator, St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf, 2006-13

Retired and archival aide, St. Joseph Provincial House, 2013-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Sabbatical, Hopedale, Massachusetts, 1985-86

Intern, House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, California, 1986-87

Sabbatical, Dover, Massachusetts, 1998-99

60th Reception

Sister Ann Gerard Siebert, CSJ

Birth name: Margaret

Birthplace: Ste. Genevieve

Education: Bachelor’s in deaf education, Fontbonne College, 1964

Master’s in applied linguistics, Georgetown University, 1970

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf, 1964-68 and 1969-2013

Retired and archival aide, St. Joseph Provincial House, 2013-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Student, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 1968-69

60th Reception

Sister Mary Jo (S. Vincent Helene) Ritter, CSJ

Birthplace: Bonne Terre

Education: Bachelor’s in education, Fontbonne College, 1965

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Agnes Grade School, 1964-71

Teacher, Nativity of Our Lord Grade School, 1971-72

Teacher, Valle Grade School, 1972-81

Teacher, St. Margaret of Scotland Grade School, 1981-2013

Nanny, St. Margaret of Scotland Convent, 2013-17

Retired and volunteer, 2017-present

About Sister Mary Jo (S. Vincent Helene) Ritter, CSJ: She was also foster mom from, 1985-2019

60th Reception

Sister Kathleen (S. Charles Maureen) Regan, CSJ

Birthplace: Parson, Kansas

Education: Bachelor’s in education, Fontbonne College, 1964

Master’s in religious education, University of St. Thomas, Houston, 1973

Master’s in adult Christian community development, Regis College, Denver, 1984

Service in the archdiocese: Student, St. Joseph Juniorate, 1962-64

Teacher, Notre Dame de Lourdes Grade School, 1965-68

Retired and volunteer, 2011-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Michael Grade School, Marquette, Michigan, 1964-65

Teacher, St. Catherine of Siena Grade School, Denver, Colorado, 1968-70

Religious education diocesan consultant, Archdiocesan Education Office, Denver, Colorado, 1970-73

Religious education diocesan consultant, Religious Education Office, Archdiocese of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia, 1973-77

Rural ministry and family life education, Cartersville-Canton-Calhoun St. Francis Place, Cartersville, Georgia, 1977-83

Student, Weston School of Theology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1983-84

Pastoral associate, St. Joseph Parish, Zwoelle, Louisiana, 1984-85

Pastoral assistant, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, New Albany, Mississippi, 1985-87

Parish administrator, Sacred Heart Parish, Louisville, Mississippi, 1987-93

Pastoral associate, St. Therese Church, Aurora, Colorado, 1993-94

Pastoral assistant, Our Lady Mother of the Church, Commerce City, Colorado, 1994-99

Student, El Paso, Texas, 1999-2000

Pastoral coordinator, Tippah County Catholic Community, Ripley, Mississippi, 2000-05

Pastoral coordinator, Glenmary Home Missions – St. Matthew, Ripley, Mississippi, 2005-11

60th Reception

Sister Mary Patricia (S. Jane Richard) Quinn, CSJ

Birthplace: Kansas City, Missouri

Education: Bachelor’s in history, Fontbonne College, 1964

Master’s in elementary education, Indiana University, Bloomington, 1973

Master’s in pastoral ministry, Institute of Pastoral Ministry at Boston College, 1983

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Immacolata Grade School, 1964-67

Teacher, St. Matthew the Apostle Grade School, 1967-68

Teacher, St. Cecilia Grade School, 1968-69

Student, Aquinas Institute of Theology, 1998-99

Novice director, St. Joseph Novitiate Community, 2006-08

Part-time pastoral care associate, Nazareth Living Center, 2007-17

Novice director, St. Joseph Provincial House, 2010-13

Spiritual companion, retired and volunteer, Holy Trinity Community, 2017-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Holy Angels Grade School, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1969-74

Teacher, Northeast Consolidated Catholic School, Kansas City, Missouri, 1974-77

Rural minister, family life and religious education, Cartersville-Canton-Calhoun St. Francis Place, Cartersville, Georgia, 1977-82

Student, Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts, 1982-83

Pastoral minister, Resurrection, Bellington, West Virginia, 1984

Pastoral associate, St. Joseph Parish, Zwoelle, Louisiana, 1984-91

Pastoral assistant, St. Francis and St. Mary Parishes, Yazoo, Mississippi, 1992-95

Consultant for ministry development, Glenmary Home Missioners, Nashville, Tennessee, 1995-98

Coordinator of staff development, Tutwiler Community Education Center, Tutwiler, Mississippi, 1999-2002

Spiritual director and CSJ Care, Avila College Community, Kansas City, Missouri, 2002-03

Religious education director, St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Ozark, Missouri, 2003-06

60th Reception

Sister Carol (Sister Denise Marie ) Patron, CSJ

Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Fontbonne College, 1965

Master’s in theology, Franciscan School of Theology Berkeley, 1989

Service in the archdiocese: CSJ Home Care, 2002-03

Retired and volunteer, 2015-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Roch Grade School, Indianapolis, Indiana, 1964-66

Teacher, St. Francis de Sales Grade School, Denver, Colorado, 1966-69

Principal, St. Francis de Sales Grade School, Denver, Colorado, 1969-73

Principal, St. Anthony Grade School, Atlanta, Georgia, 1973-79

Tutor and volunteer, Village of St. Joseph, Atlanta, Georgia, 1979-80

Teacher, Village of St. Joseph, Atlanta, Georgia, 1980-87

Sabbatical, Berkeley, California, 1987-88

Student, Franciscan School of Theology, Berkeley, California, 1988-89

Administrator and teacher, Center For Growth in Wholeness, 1989-94

Teacher, St. Perpetua Grade School, Lafayette, California, 1990-93

Massage therapist, Redmond, California, 1994-95

Staff and massage therapist, Springbank Retreat Center, Kingstree, South Carolina, 1995-2001

Executive director, Cedar Hill Enrichment Center, Gainesville, Georgia 2003-06

Special projects coordinator, The Sullivan Center, Atlanta, Georgia, 2006-14

Retired and volunteer, Smyrna, Georgia 2014-15

60th Reception

Sister Bonnie Ann (S. Elizabeth Paul) Murray, CSJ

Education: Bachelor’s in music education, Fontbonne College, 1965

Master’s in secondary music education, University of Oregon, 1973

Service in the archdiocese: Private piano lessons and choir, St. Luke the Evangelist Grade School, 1964-66

Private piano lessons and choir, Immacolata Grade School, 1964-66

Campus minister and teacher, St. Thomas Aquinas, 1976-80

Community service, Nazareth Living Center, 1980-87

Community life coordinator, Nazareth Living Center, 1987-96

Director of music and liturgist, St. Martin of Tours Parish, 1997-2006

Directory of senior ministry, St. Joseph Provincial House, 2006-16

Retired and volunteer, The Village at Nazareth, 2016-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Private piano lessons and choir, St. Viator Grade School, Chicago, Illinois, 1966-67

Teacher, Academy of Our Lady, Peoria, Illinois, 1967-76

About Sister Bonnie Ann (S. Elizabeth Paul) Murray, CSJ: She enjoys reading, attending symphonies, solving Sudoku puzzles, and working on counted-cross stitch projects.

60th Reception

Sister Mary (S. Joseph Mary) Jacobs, CSJ

Birthplace: Atchison, Kansas

Education: Nursing diploma, St. Joseph Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, 1952

Bachelor’s in behavioral science, Fontbonne College, 1964

Service in the archdiocese: Student, St. Joseph Juniorate, 1962-64

Nursing supervisor, St. Joseph Hospital, 1966-70

Staff nurse, Cardinal Ritter Institute, 1970-73

Retired and volunteer, St. Louis, 2017-present

Prayer and presence, Nazareth Living Center, 2019-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Nursing supervisor, St. Joseph Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, 1964-66

Staff nurse, Baptist Memorial Hospital, San Antonio, Texas, 1973-75

Staff nurse, Doctors Hospital Cullman, Cullman, Alabama, 1975-76

Public health nurse, Health Department, Cullman County, Cullman, Alabama, 1976-79

Associate director, FNTNVW Convalescent Center, Atlanta, Georgia, 1979-80

Program coordinator and director, Catholic Social Services, Atlanta, Georgia, 1980-86

Staff nurse, Community Home Nursing Care, Atlanta, Georgia, 1987-93

Registered nurse, Venice Nursing Pavilion, Venice, Florida, 1993-94

Registered nurse, Venice Hospital Home Health, Venice, Florida, 1993-94

Case manager, Able-Care, Sarasota, Florida, 1994-96

Registered nurse, Visiting Nurse Association of Southwest Florida, Inc., Sarasota, Florida, 1996-2001

Home health care staff nurse, Youthful Aging Home Health, Sarasota, Florida, 2002-09

Retired and volunteer, Venice, Florida, 2009-17

60th Reception

Sister Name Patricia Ann (S. Cecilia Frances) Hauser, CSJ

Birthplace: Schell City, Missouri

Education: Bachelor’s in nursing, College of St. Teresa in Kansas City, Missouri

Master’s in nursing, University of Missouri – Columbia, 1984

Service in the archdiocese: Resident, Mt. Carmen Convent, 1975-77

Retired and volunteer, The Village at Nazareth, 2013-16

Prayer and presence, Nazareth Living Center, 2016-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Student, Mt. St. Mary College, Los Angeles, California, 1962-64

Student, St. Joseph Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, 1964-65

Staff nurse, St. Joseph Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, 1965-66

Nursing educator, St. Joseph Community Hospital, Hancock, Michigan, 1966-69

Head nurse, St. Joseph Community Hospital, Hancock, Michigan, 1969-72

Staff nurse, St. Joseph Hospital, Center for Life, Augusta, Georgia, 1972-74

Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1974-75

Nurse, St. Joseph Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, 1977-78

Pastoral minister, Mansfield Parish, Missouri, 1978-81

Student, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1981-84

Nursing educator, Avila College, Kansas City, Missouri, 1984-90

Sabbatical, 1990

Family nurse practitioner, Vredenburgh Health Center, Vredenburgh, Alabama, 1991-2010

Retired and volunteer, Camden, Alabama, 2010-11

Nurse practitioner, Yellow Bluff Health Center, Selma, Alabama, 2011-13

Volunteer, Camden Drug Company, Camden, Alabama, 2011-13

60th Reception

Sister Geraldine “Gerrie” (S. Adrienne Marie) Grabow, CSJ

Birthplace: Denver, Colorado

Education: Bachelor’s in English, Fontbonne College, 1964

Master’s in English, Saint Louis University, 1971

Master’s in secondary education administration, Bradley University, 1976

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Thomas Aquinas High School, 1969-75 and, 1980-84

Secretary, St. Cecilia Grade School, 1977-79

Prayer and presence, Nazareth Living Center, 2008-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Redemptorist High School, Kansas City, Missouri, 1964-68

Teacher, St. Pius X High School, Atlanta, Georgia, 1968-69

Teacher, Academy of Our Lady, Peoria, Illinois, 1975-76

Teacher, St. Teresa’s Academy, Kansas City, Missouri, 1984-96

Customer service, Cornerstone Health Services, 1998-2001

Library technician, Parks Recreation Planning and Design Services, 2001-02

Home service, CSJ Home Care, Kansas City, Missouri, 2002-04

Volunteer, Kansas City, Missouri, 2004-08

60th Reception

Sister Patricia Ann (S. James Bernice) Giljum, CSJ

Education: Bachelor’s in music education, Fontbonne College, 1965

Master’s in music education, Wichita State University, 1973

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Holy Name Grade School, 1964-65

Teacher, Most Holy Rosary Grade School, 1965-71

Music teacher, multiple schools in St. Louis Archdiocese, 1971-75

Director of fine arts, Catholic Education Office, 1975-2008

Province leadership team, St. Joseph Provincialate, 2008-14

Sabbatical, 2014

Retired and volunteer, Kirkwood, Missouri, 2015-present

60th Reception

Sister Joan (S. Rose Charles) Galli, CSJ

Education: Bachelor’s in history, Fontbonne College, 1964

Master’s in elementary education administration, Creighton University, 1976

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Matthew the Apostle Grade School, 1964-66

Teacher, St. Thomas of Aquin Grade School, 1966-69

Principal and teacher, St. Rita Grade School, 1969-77

Principal and teacher, St. Thomas the Apostle Grade School, 1977-86

Principal and teacher, St. Sabina Grade School, 1986-2010

Pastoral minister, St. Sabina Parish, 2010-12

Part-time pastoral minster, St. Ferdinand Parish, 2012-13

Catholic identity coordinator, St. Philippine Duchesne Grade School, 2013-14

Administrative assistant, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Grade School, 2014-18

Part-time pastoral minister, St. Sabina Parish, 2012-present

60th Reception

Sister Mary Ann (S. Marie David) Figlino, CSJ

Birthplace: Denver, Colorado

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Fontbonne College, 1964

Master’s in early childhood education, University of Northern Colorado, 1974

Master’s in Scripture, Iliff School of Theology, 1997

Service in the archdiocese: Student, St. Joseph Juniorate, 1962-64

Teacher, Most Holy Rosary Grade School, 1965-71

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes Grade School, Raytown, Missouri, 1964-65

Teacher, St. Patrick Grade School, Denver, Colorado, 1971-72

Teacher, St. Elizabeth Grade School, Kansas City, Missouri, 1972-74

Teacher, St. James Grade School, Denver, Colorado, 1974-75

Teacher, St. Mary of the Assumption Grade School, Waco, Texas, 1975-80

Teacher, St. Mary Grade School, Littleton, Colorado, 1980-83

Assistant principal and teacher, St. Catherine of Siena Grade School, Littleton, Colorado, 1983-85

Chaplain and pastoral associate, St. Anthony Hospital North, Westminster, Colorado, 1985-87

In transition, 1987

Director of Christian formation, Ave Maria Church, Parker, Colorado, 1988-95

Student, ILIFF School of Theology, Denver, Colorado, 1995-97

GED teacher, Empowerment Program, Denver, Colorado, 1997-2010

Flower arranger, Diz’s Daisies, Denver, Colorado, 2010-16

Retired and volunteer, Denver, Colorado, 2016-present

60th Reception

Sister Rosario Bobadillo, CSJ

Birthplace: Gudalagra, Mexico

Entrance: 1960

Education: Bachelor’s in education, Instituto Federal de Capacitacion del Magisterio, 1970, Lagos de Moreno, Mexico

Master’s in education, Normal Superior, 1977

Bachelor’s in clinical psychology, ITESO in Mexico, 1982

Master’s in counseling, St. Mary’s University-San Antonio, 1992

Service in the archdiocese: Student, Aquinas Institute of Theology, 2002-03;

Clinical therapist, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish, Ferguson, 2002-04

Therapeutic massage and energy therapist, Catholic Family Service, 2004-06

Vocation and formation ministry teem member, St. Joseph Provincial House, 2004-08

Coordinator of holistic health ministries, Grace Hill Neighborhood Health Center, 2006-15

Psychotherapist and bilingual counselor, Affina Healthcare, 2015-16

Spiritual care, St. Joseph Provincial House, 2016-19

Chaplaincy, Mercy Rehabilitation, 2019-present

Board member and accompanies new immigrants BIAS-Casa de Salud/IFCLA, 2019-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Counselor, Catholic Charities of Denver, Denver Colorado, 1996-2002

70th Reception

Sister Josephine (Sister John Michael) Winkeler, CSJ

Birthplace: St. Louis

Education: Bachelor’s in education, Fontbonne College, 1961

Master’s in education, Saint Louis University, 1967

Master’s in computer science, Fontbonne College, 1993

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Louis Cathedral Grade School, 1952-53

Teacher, Valle Grade School, 1955-57

Teacher, Immacolata Grade School, 1963-64

Teacher, St. Mary Grade School, 1965-66

Teacher, St. Luke the Evangelist Grade School, 1966-70

Teacher, Valle Grade School, Ste. Genevieve, 1970-76

Principal, St. Anthony of Padua Grade School, 1984-96

Principal, St. Andrew Grade School, 1996-97

Teacher, Notre Dame Elementary Grade School, 1997-2000

Computer assistant, 2000-01

Computer Assistant, Nazareth Living Center, 2001-16

Retired, 2016-17

Prayer and presence, Nazareth Living Center, 2017-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Kansas City, Missouri, 1953-55

Teacher, St. Bede the Venerable Grade School, Chicago, Illinois, 1957-63

Teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes Grade School, Raytown, Missouri, 1964-65

Teacher, St. Patrick Grade School, Rolla, Missouri, 1976-84

70th Reception

Sister Catherine Agnes Wagner, CSJ

Birth name: Jeanette Colleen

Birthplace: Atchison, Kansas

Education: Bachelor’s in nursing, College of St. Teresa, 1955

Master’s in nursing education, Marquette University, Milwaukee, 1969

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Mary Magdalen and St. Edward Grade Schools, 1952

Patient care improvement project coordinator, St. Joseph Hospital, 1971-72

Home health, St. Louis Province, 1972-73

Nurse, Incarnate Word Hospital, 1974-75

Nurse and rehab care, Mount St. Rose Hospital, 1975-82

Nurse, Visiting Nurse Association, 1982-84

Sabbatical, House of Affirmation, 1984

Student, Vaughan Richards Academy of Beauty, 1985

CSJ cosmetology service, 1985-92

Cosmetologist, Nazareth Living Center, 1985-98

Volunteer, 2002-04

Prayer and presence, Nazareth Living Center, 2004-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Student, College of St. Teresa, 1952-55

Nursing supervisor, St. Joseph Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, 1955-56

Clinical nursing education supervisor, St. Joseph Community Hospital, Hancock, Michigan, 1956-58

Nursing educator, St. Joseph Community Hospital, Hancock, Michigan, 1958-66

Student, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1966-69

Nursing school instructor, Avila College, 1969-70

Team member Patient Care Improvement Project, St. Mary Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1970-71

Nursing educator and program development, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan, 1973-74

Family care, Atchison, Kansas, 1998-2002

70th Reception

Sister Louise Michele Sommer, CSJ

Birth name: Rosemary

Birthplace: St. Louis

Education: Bachelor’s in English, Fontbonne College, 1962

Master’s in English, Saint Louis University, 1968

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Notre Dame de Lourdes Grade School, 1952-55

Teacher, St. Patrick Grade School, 1955-62

Teacher, Valle High School, 1963-66

Assistant principal and teacher, St. Joseph’s Academy, 1977-79

Associate principal, St. Joseph’s Academy, 1979-84

Prayer and presence, Nazareth Living Center, 2019-prsent

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. John the Evangelist Grade School, Valdosta, Georgia, 1962-63

Teacher, Academy of our Lady, Peoria, Illinois, 1963

Teacher, St. Pius X High School, Atlanta, Georgia, 1966-77

Student, Weston College, Boston, Massachusetts, 1984-85

Adult religious education director, Holy Cross Parish, Atlanta, Georgia, 1985-90

Religious education director, Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Atlanta, Georgia, 1990-97

CPE residency-chaplaincy, St. Joseph Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia, 1997-98

Pastoral associate, St. Lawrence Catholic Church, Lawrenceville, Georgia, 1998-2019

70th Reception

Sister Richard Joseph Sagadin, CSJ

Birth name: Romon

Birthplace: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Education: Bachelor’s in history/mathematics, Fontbonne College, 1963

Master’s in elementary education, counseling, guidance, Saint Louis University, 1971

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Anthony of Padua Grade School, 1952-54

Teacher, St. Leo Grade School, 1954-58

Teacher, St. Anthony of Padua Grade School, 1958-60

Teacher, St. Vincent de Paul Grade School, 1960-61

Teacher, St. Luke the Evangelist Grade School, 1961-64

Teacher, Most Holy Rosary Grade School, 1964-66

Principal and teacher, St. Matthew the Apostle Grade School, 1966-68

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Catherine of Siena Grade School, Denver, Colorado, 1968-69

Principal and teacher, Our Lady of the Americas Grade School, Kansas City, Missouri, 1969-71

Teacher, St. Louis Grade School, Englewood, Colorado, 1971-72

Teacher and unit supervisor, St. Joseph Carondelet Child Care Center, Chicago, Illinois, 1972-85

Sabbatical, Chicago, Illinois, 1985-86

Teacher, St. Rene Grade School, Chicago, Illinois, 1986-2003

Substitute teacher, Chicago, Illinois 2003-present

70th Reception

Sister Jean Vianney Mindak, CSJ

Birth name: Dorothy

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, Fontbonne College, 1957

Master’s in elementary education administration, Saint Louis University, 1974

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Holy Name Grade School, 1952-58

Assistant principal and teacher, Saints John and James Grade School, 1968-69

Teacher, St. Thomas the Apostle Grade School, 1974-75

Staff, Province Treasurer Office, St. Joseph Provincial House, 1977-79

Elementary education director, Catholic Education Office, 1979-83

Professor, Fontbonne College, 1983-90

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Joseph Grade School, Oahu, HI, 1958-64

Teacher, St. Theresa Grade School, Honolulu, HI, 1964-68

Principal, St. James Grade School, Denver, Colorado, 1969-74

Teacher, Village of St. Joseph, Atlanta, Georgia, 1974

Teacher, St. Catherine of Siena Grade School, Denver, Colorado, 1975-77

Chair of Developmental Studies Department, Parks Junior College, Denver, Colorado, 1990-92

Director adult literacy program, Red Rocks Community College, Lakewood, Colorado, 1992-95

Corp trainer and curriculum design, Red Rocks Community College, Lakewood, Colorado, 1995-98

Alliance coordinator, Community College of Denver, Denver, Colorado, 1998-2002

Retired and volunteer, Denver, Colorado, 2002-present

About Sister Jean Vianney Mindak, CS
