
Jubilarians | School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND)

50th First Profession

Sister Peggy Duffy

Birth name: Peggy Sue Duffy

Birthplace: Keokuk, Iowa

Entrance: 1970

First profession: 1974

Final profession: 1981

Education: Bachelor’s in American studies, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1975

Master’s in administration, Saint Louis University, 1989

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher aide, St. Aloysius, St. Louis, 1974-75

Special education teacher, St. Mary’s Special School, St. Louis, 1976-77

Teacher, All Souls, St. Louis, 1977-79

Administration, St. Bridget, Pacific, 1986-88

Teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 1988-93

Administration, St. Clare, St. Clair, 1993-2000

Parish ministry, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 2000-05

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Indio, California, 1975-76

Teacher, Holy Angels, East St. Louis, Illinois, 1979-82

Teacher, Hannibal Catholic School, Hannibal, Missouri, 1982-86

Pastoral minister and religious education coordinator, Holy Family Parish, Fort Madison, Iowa, 2005-22

About Sister Peggy Duffy: I appreciate everything SSND and the community have done for me. I love being an SSND.

Sister Gloria Marie Petralia

Birth name: Gloria Marie Petralia

Birthplace: St. Louis

Religious entrance: 1971

First religious profession: 1974

Final religious profession: 1985

Education: Bachelor’s in English, Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, Connecticut, 1975

Master’s in education science, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, 1983

Four units in clinical pastoral education, St. Louis University Hospital and Veteran’s Hospital, St. Louis, 1989-91

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Notre Dame Elementary School, St. Louis, 1980-81

Special education teacher, St. Mary’s Special School, St. Louis, 1981-83

Tutor, Notre Dame Tutorial Center, St. Louis, 1989-91

Pastoral care, St. John Mercy Hospital, Washington, 1991-93

Junior high teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 1993-94

Primary teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 1994-98

Primary teacher, St. John’s Gildehaus School, Union, 1998-2002

Teacher, St. Francis Borgia, Washington, 2002-10

Substitute teacher, Various Schools, Washington, 2011-12

Teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 2012-21

Substitute teacher, St. Francis Borgia, Washington, 2021-23

Substitute teacher, various schools, Washington, 2021-23

Interventionist for Educationally Challenged Students, St. Francis Borgia, Washington, 2021-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Special education teacher, St. Peter Grade School, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1983-85

Special education administrator, St. Peter Grade School, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1985-19

About Sister Gloria Marie Petralia: During my 50 years of religious life, I have had tremendous opportunities to educate all levels and abilities of students. They have gifted my religious life deeply. I am so grateful to God for my call to religious life!

60th First Profession

Sister Joan Backes

Birth name: Joan Mary Backes

Birthplace: Loose Creek, Missouri

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in economics, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1965

Master’s in business education, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas, 1974

Master’s in religious education, St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, 1982

Service in the archdiocese: Ministry discernment, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2014-15

Community service, The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 2015-19

Volunteer service, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2019-22

Community service, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2022-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Notre Dame High School, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, 1965-68

Teacher, Helias High School, Jefferson City, Missouri, 1968-70

Teacher, Mater Dei High School, Breese, Illinois, 1970-76

Teacher, Aquinas High School, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1976-83

Pastoral ministry, St. Mary, Anna, Illinois, 1983-92

Director of religious education, St. Joseph, Cobden, Illinois, 1983-92

Director of religious education, St. Mary, Anna, Illinois, 1992-2013

Parish pastoral associate, St. Mary, Anna, Illinois, 1992-2013

About Sister Joan Backes: Among my treasured memories are the children who touched my heart. The excitement they portrayed presenting their Christmas plays, their joyful celebration of new life at our Easter egg hunts, and how they shared God’s love at our vacation bible schools.

Sister Mary Beckman

Birth name: Mary Margaret Beckman

Birthplace: Burlington, Iowa

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in history, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1965

Master’s in spirituality, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1976

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Immaculate Conception, West Alton, 1965-67

Teacher, St. Joseph, Manchester, 1971-72

Religious education teacher, St. Joseph, Manchester, 1972-78

Ministry to the poor, Hosea House, St. Louis, 1979-89

Social concerns, Notre Dame Parish, Wellston, 1989-92

Parish outreach, St. Augustine Wellston Center, Wellston, 1992-2018

Prayer and presence, SSND Residence, St. Louis, 2018-present

Volunteer services, St. Louis Area, St. Louis, 2018-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Mary, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1967-71

Religious education teacher, Our Lady of Mount Caramel, Herrin, Illinois, 1978-79

About Sister Mary Beckman: I appreciate everything SSND and the community have done for me. I love being a SSND.

Sister Mary Patricia Dalton

Birth name: Mary Patricia Dalton

Birthplace: East St. Louis, Illinois

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in Spanish, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1966

Master’s in elementary education, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, 1972

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Raphael, St. Louis, 1966-72

Administrator of elementary education, St. Raphael, St. Louis, 1972-75

Administrator of elementary education, St. Gertrude, Krakow, 1975-77

Administrator of elementary education, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, St. Louis, 1977-82

Teacher, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, St. Louis, 1977-82

Pastoral ministry, St. Alphonsus Liguori, St. Louis, 1982-83

Coordinator of religious education, Holy Angels, Kinloch, 1983-84

Administrator of elementary education, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Louis, 1984-87

Teacher, St. David, Arnold, 1987-90

Administrator of elementary education, St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Louis, 1990-2000

Administrator of elementary education, Holy Innocents, St. Louis, 2000-02

Prayer and presence, SSND Residence, St. Louis, 2008-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Administrator of elementary education, St. James, Millstadt, Illinois, 2002-06

Volunteer services, St. Vincent de Paul, East St. Louis, Illinois, 2008-20

Volunteer services, St. Vincent de Paul, Belleville, Illinois, 2020-present

About Sister Mary Patricia Dalton: I have spent much of my life around and with SSND. This time has been a gift with wonderful people that followed up my wonderful family. I am still meeting new people and enjoying the time. I enjoyed teaching the senior seminarians at Cardinal Glennon College and supervising their PSR instruction. I also met many of our wonderful religion teachers teaching for Paul VI Institute, again this was a gift. Prayer for our world and people is important to the use of my time. I also enjoy reading, travel and cooking for others.

Sister Nancy Flamm

Birth name: Nancy Ann Flamm

Birthplace: Anna, Illinois

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in American studies, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1966

Master’s in elementary education, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, 1974

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Bernadette, St. Louis, 1971-75

Director, Initial Formation, St. Louis Province, St. Louis, 1985-91

Director of affiliates, St. Louis Province, St. Louis, 1985-85

Teacher, St. Martin of Tours, St. Louis, 1985-86

Director of vocations, St. Louis Province, St. Louis, 1986-88

Local leader, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 2003-07

Teacher aide, St. John the Baptist School, St. Louis, 2008-10

Prayer and presence, SSND Residence, St. Louis, 2011

Teacher aide, St. John the Baptist School, St. Louis, 2011

Ministry discernment, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2018-19

Community coordinator assistant, Anna House, Bridgeton, 2019-20

Transportation, The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 2019-2020

Community coordinator assistant, Anna House, Bridgeton, 2020-23

Community Coordinator Assistant, The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 2023-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Blessed Sacrament, Hannibal, Missouri, 1966-71

Teacher, St. Helen, Fresno, California, 1975-82

Teacher, Immaculate Conception, Jackson, Missouri, 1982-84

Teacher, Immaculate Conception, Loose Creek, Missouri, 1988-89

Pastoral associate, Catholic churches in Pulaski County, Illinois, 1989-2003

Director of religious education, Cathedral of St. Mary, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, 2007-08

Coordinator of pastoral care, St. Mary of the Pines, Chatawa, Mississippi, 2012-18

About Sister Nancy Flamm: My memory of my parents walking me down the aisle in my home parish in Cobden, Illinois, to receive the candidate veil is very dear to me. Since then, as a SSND, I have lived with and worked with amazing people for which I am most grateful.

Sister Louise Margaret O’Connor

Birth name: Louise Margaret O’Connor

Birthplace: St. Louis 

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in American studies, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1966

Master’s in Montessori education, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1975

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Michael, St. Louis, 1966-72

Preschool teacher and administrator, St. Christopher, Florissant, 1972-73

Preschool and Kindergarten teacher, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Louis, 1973-74

Administrator, Notre Dame Preschool, St. Louis, 1974-75

Kindergarten teacher, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Louis, 1974-75

Preschool teacher and administrator, Notre Dame Preschool, St. Louis, 1975-80

Learning center director, Maria Center, St. Louis, 1980-83

Teacher, Holy Family, Freeburg, 1984

Teacher, St. Bridget, Pacific, 1989-91

Teacher, St. Patrick, Wentzville, 2000-09

Volunteer services, St. Louis, 2014-present

Substitute teacher, St. Louis, 2014-15

PSR teacher, St. Dominic Savio, Affton, 2015-16

Tutor, English Tutoring Project, St. Louis, 2015-21

Volunteer services, St. Louis, 2021-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Administration, Our Lady of Mercy, Merced, California, 1984-89

Teacher, Port Loko Catholic Secondary, Port Loko, Sierra Leone, Africa, 1991-95

Administrator, St. John the Baptist, Red Bud, Illinois, 1995-2000

Teacher, St. Mary School, Frankenstein, Missouri, 2009-14

About Sister Louise Margaret O’Connor: As a member of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, our faithful God uses my gifts and talents in ministries giving service to others. This brings me a life full of happiness.

Sister Marilyn Scheibel

Birth name: Martha Lou Scheibel

Birthplace: Belleville, Illinois 

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in American studies, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1966

Master’s in elementary education, Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois, 1974

Master’s in education/guidance counseling, University of Missouri – St. Louis, St. Louis, 1993

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Gabriel the Archangel, St. Louis, 1966-69

Teacher, St. Dominic Savio, St. Louis, 1974-78

Teacher, Notre Dame Elementary School, St. Louis, 1978-79

Teacher, St. Andrew, St. Louis, 1986-92

Teacher, St. Mary Magdalen, Brentwood, 1992-95

Psychological examiner, Franklin County Cooperative, St. Clair, 1995-98

Psychological examiner, Fox School District, Arnold, 1998-2007

Teacher assistant, Brentwood Middle School, Brentwood, 2007-13

Volunteer services in St. Louis, including as teacher for Immigrant Home English and Citizenship Learning Program, St. Louis, 2014-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Mary, Belleville, Illinois, 1969-71

Administrator, St. Paul, Highland, Illinois, 1971-74

Administrator, St. Augustine, Breese, Illinois, 1979-85

About Sister Marilyn Scheibel: SSND has expanded my concept of global awareness over the years. What a gift to treasure various people in my relationships, especially sisters and refugees, sharing their life stories of struggling and success while attempting to achieve personal goals in living!

Sister Marie Celine Schumacher

Birth name: Bernice Frances Schumacher

Birthplace: Breese, Illinois

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in chemistry, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1966

Master’s in physical science, Portland University, Portland, Oregon, 1973

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Dominic Savio, St. Louis, 1966-67

Administrator, St. Francis Borgia High School, Washington, 1979-84

Provincial councilor, St. Louis Province, St. Louis, 1999-2007

Teacher, Notre Dame High School, St. Louis, 2007-20

Tutor, Notre Dame High School, St. Louis, 2020-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Notre Dame High School, Burlington, Iowa, 1967-77

Teacher, St. Paul High School, Santa Fe Spring, California, 1977-79

Teacher, Notre Dame High School, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, 1984-86

Administrator, Notre Dame High, Burlington, Iowa, 1986-94

Teacher, Notre Dame High School, Quincy, Illinois, 1994-99

About Sister Marie Celine Schumacher: I am grateful that I had the opportunity to participate in the Japan summer program. Living with our sisters in Japan and visiting their various ministries gave me a greater appreciation for and understanding of the richness of their culture.

Sister Elise Silvestri

Birth name: Mary Louise Silvestri

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in history, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1966

Master’s in education/guidance and counseling, University of Missouri – Columbia, Columbia, Missouri, 1974

Master’s in spirituality, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, 1980

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Francis Borgia, Washington, 1966

Teacher, St. Francis De Sales, St. Louis, 1966-71

Guidance counselor and teacher, St. Francis Borgia, Washington, 1974-78

Guidance counselor and teacher, Notre Dame High School, St. Louis, 1978-81

Director of affiliates, St. Louis Province, St. Louis, 1979-81

Program director, Vietnamese Refugees Women’s Home, St. Louis, 1995-96

Director, Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Program, St. Louis, 1996-2006

Diversity training coordinator, One World Neighborhood Cafe, St. Louis, 2007-08

Program coordinator, St. Pius V Parish, St. Louis, 2008-09

Ministry discernment, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2015-16

Prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2016-17

Citizen educator, Bilingual International Assistant Services, St. Louis, 2017-18

Driver, The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 2019-22

Driver, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2010-present

Prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2017-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Elementary administrator, Sacred Heart, Effingham, Illinois, 1971-74

Director of religious education, St. Michael, Paderborn, Illinois, and St. James, Milstadt, Illinois, 1981-84

Director of religious education, St. Francis Solanus, Quincy, Illinois, 1984-87

Adult religious education, St. Cecilia, Glen Carbon, Illinois, 1987-91

Director of religious education, Queen of Peace, Belleville, Illinois, 1991-95

Vietnamese Women’s Home English Program and Women’s Crisis Center, Metro East, Illinois, 1995-96

English teacher, Szent Istvan, Mako, Hungary, 2009-2010

Refugee outreach coordinator, Good Counsel Learning Center, Mankato, Minnesota, 2012-2015

About Sister Elise Silvestri: I appreciate everything SSND and the community have done for me. I love being a SSND.

Sister Mary Helen Stokes

Birth name: Mary Helen Stokes

Birthplace: Jefferson City, Missouri

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in mathematics, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1966

Master’s in Teaching, Webster College (now University), Webster Groves, Missouri, 1975

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 1966-68

Teacher, St. William, St. Louis, 1971-72

Teacher, St. Dominic Savio, St. Louis, 1972-76

Teacher, St. Martin of Tours, St. Louis, 1977-78

Staff, Cardinal Glennon Hospital, St. Louis, 1978-79

Staff, Cardinal Ritter Institute, St. Louis, 1978-79

Visitor to the sick, All Souls, St. Louis, 1979-86

Social worker, BREM Catholic Ministries, St. Louis, 1986-88

Parish pastoral associate, St. Wenceslaus, St. Louis, 1988-90

Ministry to the poor, St. Patrick Center, St. Louis, 1990-93

Coordinator of religious education, St. Gerard Majella Parish, St. Louis, 1993-95

Teacher, St. Elizabeth of Hungry School, St. Louis, 1995-2000

Resource and research skills teacher, St. Anthony of Padua School, St. Louis, 2000-01

Religious education coordinator, Queen of All Saints, St. Louis, 2001-03

Resource teacher, Queen of All Saints, St. Louis, 2001-03

Teacher, St. Joan of Arc, St. Louis, 2003-05

Teacher, English Tutoring Project, St. Louis, 2005-09

Volunteer services, St. Louis, 2018-20

Prayer and presence, Mother of Perpetual Help, St. Louis, 2020-24

Prayer and presence, Anna House at The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 2024-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Francis Solanus, Quincy, Illinois, 1968-71

Teacher, St. Peter, Belleville, Illinois, 1976-77

Pastoral care, Villa Marie Senior Center, Jefferson City, Missouri, 2009-2020

About Sister Mary Helen Stokes: I remember being sent to Washington, Missouri, to teach math. Families welcomed you and appreciated having sisters. Sister Audrey impressed me; she was personable with children and families. It took my breath away because I had not been on mission yet. So, I hopped in.

Sister Dannel Wedemeyer

Birth name: Suzanne Wedemeyer

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1962

First profession: 1964

Final profession: 1969

Education: Bachelor’s in education, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1973

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Raphael, St. Louis, 1970-72

Teacher, Immaculate Conception, Dardenne, 1977-85

Coordinator of transportation, Villa Gesu, St. Louis, 1985-94

Volunteer services, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2017-present

Prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2017-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Francis Solanus, Quincy, Illinois, 1964-70

Teacher, Blessed Sacrament, Belleville, Illinois, 1972-75

Teacher, St. Joseph, East St. Louis, Illinois, 1975-77

Teacher, St. Bernard Indian Mission, Fort Yates, North Dakota, 1994-2010

Ministry discernment, Red Cloud Indian Mission School, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, 2010-11

Prayer and presence, SSND Residence, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, 2011-13

Office manager, Red Cloud High School, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, 2013-16

Office assistant to director of human resources, Red Cloud Mission, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, 2016

Prayer and Presence, SSND Residence, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, 2016

About Sister Dannel Wedemeyer: I am grateful for the sisters and friends I’ve known and the students I’ve taught, especially working with and learning from Native Americans and their love of the land. All this has been possible because of my guidance and love of SSND.

70th First Profession

Sister Andre Aubuchon

Birth name: Mary Jean Aubuchon

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1951

First profession: 1954

Final profession: 1960

Education: Bachelor’s in history, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1956

Master’s in history, University of Notre Dame, South Bend Indiana, 1967

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Liborius, St. Louis, 1955-59

Teacher, Rosati-Kain High School, St. Louis, 1956-57

Teacher, Notre Dame High School, St. Louis, 1957-65

Teacher, St. Alphonsus Rock High School, St. Louis, 1967-70

Teacher, Rosary High School St. Louis, 1970-73

Teacher, Cardinal Ritter Prep School, St. Louis, 1981-89

Volunteer, Cardinal Ritter Prep School, St. Louis, 2004-15

Volunteer, Notre Dame Tutorial Center, St. Louis, 2004-07

Prayer and presence, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 2007-11

Prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2011-18

Community service, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2015-18

Volunteer service, St. Louis, 2015-16

Prayer, presence and service, Veronica House, Bridgeton, 2018-21

Prayer and Presence, Anna House, Bridgeton, 2021-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Teutopolis High School, Teutopolis, Illinois, 1956-67

Teacher, Yengema Secondary School, Yengema, Sierra Leone, Africa, 1973-76

Teacher, Notre Dame High School (Quincy North Dakota), Quincy, Illinois, 1976-81

Teacher, Kabala Secondary School, Kabala, Sierra Leone, Africa, 1990-95

Teacher, Notre Dame Girls Senior High School, Sunyani, Ghana, Africa, 1995-97

Secretarial staff, Notre Dame of Nsawam, Nsawam, Ghana, Africa, 1998-2003

About Sister Andre Aubuchon: I spent most of my life as a high school teacher. Even when in Africa, Sierra Leone and Ghana, I was a high school teacher. The students were fun, challenging and enjoyable. I remember many wonderful years as a School Sister of Notre Dame.

Sister Rose Bast

Birth name: Rose Ann Bast

Birthplace: Cuba, Missouri

Entrance: 1952

First profession: 1954

Final profession: 1960

Education: Bachelor’s in biology, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1960

Master’s in zoology, University of Oklahoma – Norman, Oklahoma, 1963

Doctorate in zoology, University of Oklahoma – Norman, Oklahoma, 1966

Service in the archdiocese: Professor, Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1966-77

Volunteer services, Ripa Complex, St. Louis, 2018-present

Prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2018-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. John the Baptist, Burlington, Iowa, 1954-56

Teacher, St. Augustine, Breese, Illinois, 1956-58

Teacher, Sacred Heart High School, New Orleans, 1958-61

Graduate teaching assistant, University of Oklahoma – Norman, Norman, Oklahoma, 1961-64

Associate professor, Mount Mary University, Milwaukee, 1977-90, 1991-98

Professor, Mount Mary University, Milwaukee, 1998-2007

Adjunct faculty, Avila University, Kansas City, Missouri, 2007-14

Volunteer ministry, SSND Residence, Kansas City, Missouri, 2014-18

About Sister Rose Bast: I appreciate having been a part of SSND’s commitment to classroom education during my 70 years.

Sister Marie Cecilia Brenneisen

Birth name: Lavada Geraldine Brenneisen

Birthplace: Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Entrance: 1952

First profession: 1954

Final profession: 1960

Education: Bachelor’s in music education, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1959

Master’s in music education, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, 1976

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Liborius, St. Louis, 1955-56

Teacher, St. Peter and Paul, St. Louis, 1956-57

Teacher, Immaculate Conception, West Alton, 1958-66

Teacher, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, St. Louis, 1966-68

Teacher, St. Gabriel the Archangel, St. Louis, 1983-2005

Music teacher, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 2005-2011

Prayer and presence, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 2005-11

Music teacher, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2011-18

Prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2011-18

Prayer and presence, Veronica House, Bridgeton, 2018-19

Prayer and presence, Anna House, Bridgeton, 2019-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Joseph, East St. Louis, Illinois, 1954-55

Teacher, St. Francis Solanus, Quincy, Illinois, 1957-58

Teacher, St. Anthony, Knoxville, Iowa, 1968-69

Teacher, St. Mary, Belleville, Illinois, 1969-77

Teacher, St. Dominic, Breese, Illinois, 1977-83

About Sister Marie Cecilia Brenneisen: I thank God for all my SSND years. I’ve learned there are a lot of wonderful people in this world, and I’ve learned much from them. I am grateful for many memories.

Sister Marie Joseph Lazzeri

Birth name: Delores Jeanette Lazzeri

Birthplace: Freeman Spur, Illinois

Entrance: 1951

First profession: 1954

Final profession: 1960

Education: Bachelor’s in theology, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1960

Master’s in administration, Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, Texas, 1967

Master’s in education/guidance counseling, Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, Texas, 1968

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Wenceslaus, St. Louis, 1955-59

Volunteer service, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2020-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, Sacred Heart, DuQuoin, Illinois, 1954-55

Teacher, St. Elizabeth, Alice, Texas, 1959-64

Teacher, St. Patrick, Dallas, 1964-67

Administrator of elementary education, St. Paul, Fort Worth, Texas, 1967-69

Administrator of elementary education, St. Joseph, Ponchatoula, Louisiana, 1969-70

Education consultant for Diocese of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1970-78

Administrator of elementary education, St. Gerald Majella, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1970-87

Education consultant, Archdiocese of New Orleans, New Orleans, 1978-79

Assistant superintendent for elementary school, Archdiocese of New Orleans, New Orleans, 1979-91

Guidance counselor, St. Dominic, New Orleans, 1991-93

Coordinator of religious education, St. Dominic, New Orleans, 1991-93

Assistant principal, St. Dominic, New Orleans, 1993-2020

About Sister Marie Joseph Lazzeri: One of my most memorable experiences was working with Mother Georgianne Segner, opening the former Dallas Province. We walked the streets introducing SSND to the people of Dallas. She was indeed a very determined and loving person, and I learned so much from her. I truly love being a SSND for 70 years.

Sister Mildred (Marie Raymond) Loddeke

Birth name: Mildred Loddeke

Birthplace: Breese, Illinois

Entrance: 1952

First profession: 1954

Final profession: 1960

Education: Bachelor’s in history, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1962

Master’s in religious education, Loyola University, New Orleans, 1976

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Sacred Heart, Rich Fountain, 1955-56

Teacher, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Charles, 1956-63

Teacher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, House Springs, 1963-64

Driver, Villa Gesu, St. Louis, 1991-92

Coordinator of nursing homes, Cori Manor, Fenton, 1997-99

Community care coordinator, Anna House, Bridgeton, 1999-2003

Assistant local leader, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 2004-11

Assistant local leader, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2011-12

Driver and community service, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2014-19

Volunteer service, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2019-23

Volunteer service, Criminal Justice Ministry, St. Louis, 2014-23

Prayer and presence, Veronica House, Bridgeton, 2023-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Anthony, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1954-55

Teacher, St. Teresa, Belleville, Illinois, 1964-68

Teacher, St. Jude Academy, San Diego, California, 1968-69

Catechist, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catechetic, Carmi, Illinois, 1969-71

Director of religious education, Sacred Heart, Dupo, Illinois, 1971-74

Director of religious education, St. Andrew, Murphysboro, Illinois, 1971-72

Director of religious education, St. Bruno, Pinckneyville, Illinois, 1971-74

Director of religious education, St. Joseph, Lebanon, Illinois, 1972-74

Religious education coordinator, Blessed Sacrament, Belleville, Illinois, 1974-75

Program director, Diocese of Belleville, Belleville, Illinois, 1974-75, 1975-82

Director of religious education, St. Pius X, Moberly, 1982-91

Sabbatical, Wellsprings, Glens Falls, New York, 1992

Parish administrator, Rosati, Missouri, 1992-95

Education consultant, Immaculate Conception, St. James, Missouri, 1992-95

Pastoral administrator, St. Joseph, Canton, Missouri, 1995-97

Pastoral administrator, Notre Dame Parish, LaGrange, Missouri, 1995-97

Research assistant, Nun Study, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 2003-04

Volunteer, Immaculate Conception, Macon, Missouri, 2012-14

Prayer and presence, SSND Residence, Macon, Missouri, 2012-14

About Sister Mildred (Marie Raymond) Loddeke: Life as a SSND has provided a variety of ministries to me, all seemed to lead to and prepare me for the next, from teaching young children to adults, to sacramental preparation to those in the RCIA process and caring for our sisters. All were blessings.

Sister Virginia Meyer

Birthplace: Apple Creek

Entrance: 1952

First profession: 1954

Final profession: 1960

Education: Bachelor’s in theology, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1960

Master’s in elementary education, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, 1975

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher and administrator, St. Ignatius, Marthasville, 1966-68

Teacher, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Louis, 1968-69

Teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 1971-73

Teacher and administrator, St. Anthony, Sullivan, 1973-76

Administrator, St. Bernadette, St. Louis, 1976-82

Community service, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 1983

Administrator, St. Martin of Tours, St. Louis, 1983-85

Administrator, St. Engelbert, St. Louis, 1985-86

Teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 1986-90

Director of religious education, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 1990-91

Teacher, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 1990-91

Pastoral ministry, Our Lady of Lourdes, Washington, 1991-95

Pastoral ministry, St. Anthony, Rosati, 1995-2001

Pastoral ministry, Immaculate Conception, St. James, 1995-2001

Pastoral administrator, St. Anthony, Rosati, 2001-08

Director of religious education, Immaculate Conception, St. James, 2001-08

Pastoral ministry volunteer, Alexian Brothers Pastoral Care, St. Louis, 2008-20

Staff, Notre Dame Preschool, St. Louis, 2008-10

Hospitality transportation coordinator, Ripa Complex, St. Louis, 2010-20

Volunteer services SMR, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2020-21

Prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2020-21

SSND Community Service, Mother of Perpetual Help Residence, St. Louis, 2021-present

Prayer and presence, Mother of Perpetual Help Residence, St. Louis, 2021-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Henry, Belleville, Illinois, 1954-65

Teacher, St. Francis, Aviston, Illinois, 1965-66

Teacher, St. Anthony, Quincy, Illinois, 1969-71

About Sister Virginia Meyer: My SSND commitment has given me ample opportunities to live out my call to a life of service and availability. My jubilee year is, indeed, one of deep gratitude and celebration.

Sister Jean Schmid

Birth name: Jean Marie Schmid

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1952

First profession: 1954

Final profession: 1960

Education: Bachelor’s in Latin, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1959

Master’s in theology, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago, 1992

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Bernadette, St. Louis, 1954-59

Mission education, SSND Resource Development Office, St. Louis, 2004-11

Prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2013-22

Volunteer services, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2020-22

Prayer, presence and service, Veronica House, Bridgeton, 2022-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Anthony School, Effingham, Illinois, 1959-60

Teacher, St. Anthony High School, Effingham, Illinois, 1960-65

Student, House of Studies, Tokyo, Japan, 1965-67

Teacher, Notre Dame Girls’ Secondary School, Kyoto, Japan, 1967-74

Teacher, Notre Dame Women’s College, Kyoto, Japan, 1975-90 and 1992-98

Secretarial staff, SSND Regional Office, Kyoto, Japan, 1998-2000

ESL teacher, Sacred Heart Parish, Verona, Missouri, 2001-02

Hispanic ministry, Sacred Heart Parish, Verona, Missouri, 2001-02

Parish life coordinator, Holy Trinity Parish, Aurora, Missouri, 2002-04,

About Sister Jean Schmid: Memories I have to share: My home in St. Louis, being a missionary in Japan for 35 years, the year, 1979, when I established funding program for education of poor in Indian villages. Visits to projects there and donors in Japan. Grateful to the School Sisters of Notre Dame, our intercultural bonds, blessings of Mother Earth and my animal friends.

75th First Profession

Sister William Ann Heidenfelder

Birth name: Dolores Theresa Heidenfelder

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1946

First profession: 1949

Final profession: 1955

Education: Bachelor’s in art, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1960

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Joseph, Farmington, 1952-64

Teacher, St. John Nepomuk, St. Louis, 1965-69

Teacher, St. Barbara, St. Louis, 1971-72

Teacher, St. Engelbert, St. Louis, 1972-76

Teacher, Compton Heights Catholic School, St. Louis, 1976-79

Teacher, St. Martin of Tours, St. Louis, 1979-86

Ministry to the elderly, All Souls, St. Louis, 1986-2006

Volunteer and prayer and presence, All Souls and other locations, St. Louis, 2006-22

Prayer, presence and service, Bridgeton, 2022-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Michael, Radom, Illinois, 1949-52

Teacher, Blessed Sacrament, Hannibal, Missouri, 1969-71

About Sister William Ann Heidenfelder: In gratitude and love, I celebrate with joy and peace God’s gift of 75 years as a School Sister of Notre Dame. I am ever grateful for His continuing call to love and serve 

Sister Anthony Marie Kasper

Birth name: Dolores Ann Kasper

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1946

First profession: 1949

Final profession: 1955

Education: Bachelor’s in elementary education, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1957

Master’s in education, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, 1963

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Gabriel the Archangel, St. Louis, 1947-48

Novitiate, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 1948-49

Teacher, St. Peter, St. Charles, 1953-61

Administrator, St. Anthony, Sullivan, 1967-73

Teacher, St. Anthony, Sullivan, 1967-73

Teacher, St. Francis Borgia, Washington, 1973-82

Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis, 1984-87

Care of others, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis, 1987-89

Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis, 1989-97

Parish visitor, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis, 1997-2020

Teacher, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis, 1997-2004

Sabbatical, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis, 2004-05

Prayer and presence, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis, 2005-12

Prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2012-20

Prayer, presence and service, Veronica House, Bridgeton, 2020-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Joseph, East St. Louis, Illinois, 1949-50

Teacher, Sacred Heart, DuQuoin, Illinois, 1950-53

Teacher, St. Luke, Belleville, Illinois, 1961-67

Teacher, St. Stephen, Caseyville, Illinois, 1982-84

About Sister Anthony Marie Kasper: My 75 years as a SSND included 56 years as an elementary school teacher. These 56 years were in only two states: Missouri and Illinois; and two dioceses: Archdiocese of St. Louis and Diocese of Belleville. I enjoyed working with these children.

Sister Marie Vianney Pottebaum

Birth name: Dolores Marie Cecilia Pottebaum

Birthplace: Teutopolis, Illinois

Entrance: 1946

First profession: 1949

Final profession: 1955

Education: Bachelor’s in music theory, former Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1959

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Joseph, Manchester, 1952-53

Teacher, St. Thomas, St. Thomas, 1953-58

Teacher, St. Wenceslaus, St. Louis, 1959-62

Teacher, Our Lady Queen of Peace, House Springs, 1969-71

Teacher, St. Gabriel the Archangel, St. Louis, 1978-79

Community service, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 1983-85

Community service and liturgist, Villa Gesu, St. Louis, 1985-99

Organist, The Sarah Community, Bridgeton, 1999-2014

Volunteer ministry, Villa Gesu, St. Louis, 1999-2001

Community service, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 2002-17

Organist, St. Roch, St. Louis, 2002-14

Prayer, presence and community service, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2014-17

Prayer, presence and service, Veronica House, Bridgeton, 2017-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Francis of Assisi, Brookhaven, Mississippi, 1949-51

Teacher, St. John the Baptist, Burlington, Iowa, 1951-52

Teacher, St. Augustine, Breese, Illinois, 1958-59

Teacher, Sacred Heart, Fort Madison, Iowa, 1962-65

Teacher, St. Philip, East St. Louis, Illinois, 1965-67

Teacher, St. John the Baptist, Burlington, Iowa, 1967-69

Teacher, Hannibal Catholic School, Hannibal, Missouri, 1971-74

Teacher, St. John the Baptist, Burlington, Iowa, 1974-78

Pastoral ministry, Sacred Heart, Dexter, Missouri, 1980-81

Pastoral ministry, St. Louis, Nokomis, Illinois, 1981-83

About Sister Marie Vianney Pottebaum: I was blessed from childhood with teachers who live the charism of SSND Foundress, Blessed Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger. I am grateful for my vocation each day. God is good all the time! All the time God is good!

80th First Profession

Sister Margaret Berghold

Birthplace: St. Louis

Entrance: 1941

First profession: 1944

Final profession: 1950

Education: Bachelor’s in history, Le Clerc College, Belleville, Illinois, 1949

Master’s in education, Saint Louis University, 1956

Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Rosati-Kain High School, St. Louis, 1949-50

Teacher, St. Alphonsus Rock High School, St. Louis, 1952-60

Teacher, Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1967-78

Spiritual direction, Notre Dame Hall, St. Louis, 1978-85

Secretarial staff, Cardinal Ritter Institute, St. Louis, 1985-87

Secretarial staff, Provincialate, St. Louis, 1987-95

Community service, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 1996-99

Receptionist, Our Lady of Life Apartments, St. Louis, 1996-99

Province staff, Provincialate, St. Louis, 1999-2007

Community service, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 2007-11

Prayer and presence, Motherhouse, St. Louis, 2007-11

Community service and prayer and presence, Theresa Center, St. Louis, 2011-17

Prayer and presence, Veronica House then Anna House, Bridgeton, 2018-present

Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher, St. Peter, Belleville, Illinois, 1944-49

Teacher, St. Joseph, Cairo, Illinois, 1950-52

Teacher, Sacred Heart High School, New Orleans, 1960-66

Teacher, Academy of Notre Dame, Belleville, Illinois, 1966-67

About Sister Margaret Berghold: She said she really enjoyed her years at Notre Dame College when she taught teachers “how to teach.” They were young and eager to learn and ready to teach in the classrooms. That was fun! Sister Margaret died July 29, 2024.