
Jubilarians | Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver (SSPC)

25th First Profession

Sister Losaline Fakatou

Birthplace: Tonga

Entrance: 1996

First profession: 1999

Final profession: 2008

Education: Bachelor’s in business management, Porirua Institute, Wellington, New Zealand, 1993

Bachelor’s in communication technologies in education, University of Auxilium, Rome, Italy, 2003

Master’s in missionary spirituality, Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome, Italy, 2005

Service in the archdiocese: Local community superior in the convent in Chesterfield

Editor, Echo magazine from Africa and other continents, 2022

Service outside the archdiocese: Accounting, administrator, procurator and confirmation catechist, St. Peter and Paul

Students international director, Wellington, New Zealand; Trent and Nichelino, Italy; Maastricht, Netherlands; Dresden and Augsburg, Germany, 1996-2021

About Sister Losaline Fakatou: God has done great things for me in my 25 years as a Missionary Sister. God has been good to me and led me to places I would never have experienced. Sometimes I was eager to follow, other times reticent. But God always led me to places where I could find life, love and God Himself. I am grateful for the sisters I have lived and worked with. I am grateful for the opportunities to serve others. I thank God for my vocation and the grace of perseverance, also for the opportunity to serve Him in the Life of the Church. What I have found to be most important — whether we are brave or timid: to always be truly present where God would have us, and to trust in Him. Living as a member of a missionary community with sisters who have similar values, who pray together, and who share everything in common has been a tremendous support and one of the greatest joys of my life.