Jubilarians | Archdiocesan Deacons
25th Ordination
Deacon Bernard A. Buckman

Birthplace: Monroe City, Missouri
Age: 83
Education: Bachelor’s degree in education, Northeast Missouri State (now Truman State) University
Ordination: June 5, 1999, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis by Archbishop Justin F. Rigali
Family: Wife, Janet Buckman (nee Clark); six children
Secular career: CEO of Buckman Wire & Cable Co. in O’Fallon
Service in the archdiocese: St. Patrick, Wentzville, 1999 until retirement in 2021
About Deacon Buckman: He served the parish by assisting and preaching at Mass, presiding at baptisms, weddings and funerals, making Communion visits to nursing homes, hospitals and the homebound, and conducting RCIA classes and Bible study sessions.
Deacon David M. Camden

Birthplace: Decatur, Illinois
Age: 67
Education: Bachelor’s degree in business administration, University of Missouri-Columbia
Master’s of business administration, Webster University
Ordination: June 5, 1999, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis by Archbishop Justin F. Rigali
Family: Wife, Angel Camden (nee Fleming); one child
Secular career: Sales manager for Southwestern Bell Telephone/AT&T; pastoral associate at St. Simon the Apostle Parish since 2014
Service in the archdiocese: St. Anthony, High Ridge, 1999-2004
St. Simon the Apostle, Green Park, 2004-present
About Deacon Camden: In addition to serving full-time in parish ministry as a pastoral associate, he also assists and preaches at Mass, presides at baptisms, weddings and funerals, makes Communion visits to nursing homes, hospitals and the homebound, and conducts RCIA classes and Bible study sessions.
Deacon Francis J. “Frank” Olmsted

Birthplace: St. Louis
Age: 73
Education: St. Louis Prep Seminary North, Benedictine College, Saint Louis University, St. Meinrad School of Theology,
Bachelor’s degrees in theology and Latin, master’s degrees in dogmatic and systematic theology and religious education
Ordination: June 5, 1999, at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis by Archbishop Justin F. Rigali
Family: Wife, Mary Ann Olmsted (nee Zupetz); two children
Secular career: Theology teacher at De Smet Jesuit High School from 1984-2019; continues to serve there as an advisor
Service in the archdiocese: St. Cletus, St. Charles, 1999-present
About Deacon Olmsted: In addition to parish duties, he also has served as chaplain for the Legion of Mary, St. Charles Curia; on the board of overseers for St. Meinrad Seminary; and on the Historic St. Charles Las Pasadas Board.
45th Ordination
Deacon Thomas E. Gorski

Birthplace: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Age: 79
Education: Bachelor’s degree in political science, University of New Mexico and University of Missouri-St. Louis
Ordination: Dec. 16, 1979, in the Archdiocese of Chicago. He moved to the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, in 1982 and the Archdiocese of St. Louis in 1992.
Family: Wife, Elsie Gorski; two children
Secular career: Manager for Trans World Airlines, director of Catholic Charities of St. Louis from 2000-10
Service in the archdiocese: Cure of Ars, Shrewsbury, 1992-94
Sts. Peter and Paul Church, St. Louis, 1994-present
About Deacon Gorski: In addition to parish duties, he also has served as a marriage tribunal advocate, Cardinal Ritter Senior Services board member, Peter & Paul Housing Corporation board member and participated as a speaker in TEACH Missions sponsored by the Claritian Order on behalf of missionaries in Guatemala.