Healing prayer service March 6
From February 2014:
Archbishop Robert J. Carlson will preside at a healing prayer service at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 6 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 1014 Madison Ave. in Washington. All who are victims or survivors of physical, sexual, emotional or verbal abuse by anyone — clergy, family, friends, co-workers or strangers — are invited. Family members and friends of survivors are encouraged to participate, as well as those who are involved in helping abused people, who work to prevent abuse and who want to pray for healing, reconciliation, and the prevention of abuse. The service is sponsored by the Office of Child and Youth Protection, the Safe Environment Program and the Office of Sacred Worship. For more information contact Carol Brescia, assistance coordinator, at breshinmo@aol.com or (314) 378-3627.