
DEAR FATHER | Called to pray with and for people

How are priests and deacons called to live a life of prayer?

Fr. Tony Ritter

As the vocation director of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, part of my job is to help those considering the priesthood to understand exactly what this vocation is and how it is lived out. I have noticed that when I have shared about the expectations of the priest, it has helped both those called to the priesthood and those called to a lay vocation understand their own calling better and live it with greater intentionality. With that in mind, this and my next few articles will cover what priests and deacons promise at their ordination and how these promises can help all of us strive for greater virtue.

Deacon promise: Archbishop: “Do you resolve to maintain and deepen the spirit of prayer that is proper to your way of life and, in keeping with this spirit and what is required of you, to celebrate faithfully the Liturgy of the Hours with and for the People of God and indeed for the whole world?” Answer: “I do.”

Priest promise: Archbishop: “Do you resolve to implore with us God’s mercy upon the people entrusted to your care by observing the command to pray without ceasing?” Answer: “I do.”

All deacons and priests promise to pray — to enter into deep union with the Lord. My favorite definition of prayer comes from a letter of St. Francis de Sales where he describes prayer as Cor ad cor loquitur — ‘Heart speaking to heart.’ In prayer, God shares His heart with us, and He invites us to share our heart with Him. Priests and deacons are called to live in this union with God throughout their day in a “spirit of prayer.” That phrase sounds cryptic, but it simply means that priests and deacons should be in regular conversation with God such that they strive to “pray without ceasing.”

That said, on first consideration, to “pray without ceasing” seems impossible and unrealistic. Priests and deacons are not called to be monks who stay in Church all day, nor are they called to be constantly praying vocal prayers such that they cannot focus on tasks or listen to others. Rather, to “pray without ceasing,” involves being aware of God’s presence with us “always, no matter what tempests may arise” (Catechism of the Catholic Church2743).

Pause. Are you aware of God at this moment? How is He gazing upon you as you read this article? What does He see when He looks at you right now? How is He present to you? How does He love you? This awareness of God is something we all can cultivate and it is the foundation by which we can generously love those in our lives (because we first know how much we are being loved).

Priests are also called to pray “with and for the People of God and indeed for the whole world,” especially through faithful keeping of the Liturgy of the Hours and by imploring “God’s mercy upon the people” entrusted to their care. Read about the Liturgy of the Hours at /liturgy-of-the-hours. This prayer of the Church is a wonderful way to join people around the world in obeying the command to “continually offer God a sacrifice of praise” (Hebrews 13:15).

Part of this promise of prayer is connected to the spiritual fatherhood of priests. Just as a father of a family has a duty to pray for his children, so too, priests have a responsibility to pray for those whom they are serving. In this way, even if a Catholic has no relatives who are Christian, the person always has a spiritual family that is supporting us in prayer.

Consider: Who is the priest that is praying for you? Who are the people you have a responsibility to pray for? The promises of priests and deacons indicate that clergy are not only supposed to pray for people, but also with them. Who are the people that you are supposed to pray with? How can we deepen our relationship with Jesus, not only as individuals, but with the people in our family, with our friends, and our neighbors?

Father Tony Ritter is director of vocations for the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
