Archdiocesan news

Archdiocesan news briefs

Raffaella Ballet film

A filmed peformance of “Rafaella: A New Fairytale Ballet” will premier on YouTube at 7 p.m. Friday, March 7. The original ballet honors the memory and legacy of Raffaella Stroik, a former parishioner of the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis and St. Louis Ballet dancer who died in 2018. “Rafaella” was commissioned by her parents to embody her motto, “Beauty will save the world,” and the fairytale ballet premiered in South Bend, Indiana, last summer. To learn more about the ballet and how to stream the film, visit

Holy Hour for vocations

There will be a Holy Hour for priestly and religious vocations at 7 p.m. Friday, March 7, at the Monastery of St. Clare, 200 Marycrest Drive in Oakville. The monastery is located off the 6000 block of Telegraph Road.

Deacon information night

An information night on the permanent diaconate will be held at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 10, at Immaculate Conception Parish, 7701 Highway N in Dardenne Prairie (in the parish hall, lower level of the main church). Attendees will learn what deacons do for the Church and the formation requirements. Deacons serve the parish in numerous ways, including preaching, assisting at Mass, performing other sacraments, ministry to the sick and bereaved, Christian initiation, counseling and a general ministry of presence at the parish.

Retreat for single Catholics

A RENEW weekend retreat for single Catholics in their late 50s and beyond will be held March 28-30 at the Pallottine Retreat & Conference Center in Florissant. The retreat is for those who want to know themselves better and discover more about their capacity for life as a single man or woman. To learn more or to register, visit, email, or call (314) 703-1002 for details.

Martha Retreat Day

All women who serve the Lord and His Church in any capacity are invited to a “Martha” Retreat Day from 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Thursday, April 10, at Good Shepherd Church, 703 Third Street in Hillsboro. The free mini retreat will include reflections on the “three Marys” in the Gospels. To register, visit For more info or questions, contact Jennifer Meehan at (314) 363-6945 or