Appointments – April 2020
Father James C. Gray, pastor of St. Jude Parish in St. Louis and pastor of All Souls Parish in Overland, is released from his assignment as pastor of All Souls Parish in Overland, but remains pastor of St. Jude Parish in St. Louis, effective March 31, 2020.
Father Anthony B. Ochoa, is appointed parochial administrator of All Souls Parish in Overland, effective March 31, 2020.
Deacon Joseph Kroutil, assisting the pastor of St. Angela Merici Parish in Florissant, is granted retirement status with faculties, effective May 15, 2020.
Deacon Charles Ryder, released from his assignment in the Pastoral Care Department of Mercy Hospital in Creve Coeur, remains in his assignment of assisting the pastor of Assumption Parish in Mattese, effective May 3, 2020.
Deacon Robert Smerek, assisting the pastor of Mary Mother of the Church Parish in St. Louis, is granted retirement status with faculties, effective June 30, 2020.