Reader feedback
Feedback and story suggestions may be emailed to editor [@] archstl.org or can be mailed to:
St. Louis Review
20 Archbishop May Drive
St. Louis, MO 63119
Due to volume and staff workflow, not all submissions will receive a response.
Pitching a story
The St. Louis Review welcomes story pitches for Catholic organizations and groupsĀ or individual Catholics who are living the faith in inspiring or exciting ways. Contact the reporters below to pitch a story. Events should be suggested at least three weeks in advance to allow time for planning.
We appreciate and consider all stories pitched, however, we cannot cover all ideas.
Newsroom leadership
Teak Phillips | editor [@] archstl.org
Assistant Director of Publications
Stephen Kempf | stephenkempf [@] archstl.org
Editorial Staff
Jennifer Brinker | jbrinker [@] archstl.org | Reporter
Point of contact for schools, parishes and ministries in the Northern Vicariate. Abortion, young adult and youth ministries, liturgies and devotions, religious vocations and clergy, Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, Catholic Social Teaching and social justice issues
Laura Kosta | laurakosta [@] archstl.org | Reporter
Point of contact for schools, parishes and ministries in the Southern Vicariate. Catholic Social Teaching and social justice issues, immigration, missions, multicultural traditions, Catholic Charities federated agencies, death penalty, senior living and aging
Jacob Wiegand | jacobwiegand [@] archstl.org | Visual Journalist
Photographic storytelling for the St. Louis Review and Catholic St. Louis. Point of contact for schools, parishes and ministries in the Western Vicariate.
Abigail Buettner | abigailbuettner [@] archstl.org | Designer
Advertising sales
Gary Ullo | garyullo [@] archstl.org
subscriptions [@] stlouisreview.com