December 18, 2023 DEAR FATHER | When we pray the Divine Office, we spiritually join with Christians around the world
December 7, 2023 DEAR FATHER | The ultimate level of responsibility occurs in union with Jesus’ sacrificial love
November 30, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Advent is first in liturgical year as recognition of first moment of Christ’s life
November 16, 2023 DEAR FATHER | The norms for celebrating Mass protect both the liturgy and the faithful
November 9, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Spouses who enter into a living prayer of the heart will find the most grace
November 2, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Purgatory purifies us after death so we can be ready to fully receive God’s love
October 26, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Making space in our hearts to hear His voice helps when life feels overcrowded
October 19, 2023 DEAR FATHER | The Synod on Synodality seeks to help everyone understand they are valued within the Church
October 12, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Speaking to our deceased loved ones is different from the veneration reserved for the saints
October 5, 2023 DEAR FATHER | St. Therese reminds us the road to heaven involves childlike dependence on our loving Father
August 31, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Evangelization is most effective if our hearts are already ablaze with love for Jesus
August 24, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Continuing to learn the faith should lead to a greater encounter with Jesus
August 10, 2023 DEAR FATHER | The Assumption reminds us that every human body is made in God’s image and possesses tremendous dignity
July 20, 2023 DEAR FATHER | When selecting a pope, modern cardinals consult the Holy Spirit, but that hasn’t always been the case
April 6, 2023 DEAR FATHER | God pours out His merciful and transformative love on us, even when we sin
March 24, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Jesus’ example in the Gospel helps us interpret other parts of the Bible
February 24, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Jesus gives us the grace to take the next right step amid frustration and change
February 10, 2023 Dear Father | Consecrated virgins represent in this life the intimacy we will all one day share with Christ in heaven
January 19, 2023 DEAR FATHER | Priests — whether diocesan or religious order — configure their lives to Christ and minister in His name
December 1, 2022 Sharing the faith with nonpracticing children begins with the witness of one’s own life
November 23, 2022 DEAR FATHER | In our grief, we open our hearts to God to discover His loving presence