Archdiocesan news briefs
Eucharistic procession
A eucharistic procession will take place at Little Flower Church, 1264 Arch Terrace in Richmond Heights, on Tuesday, Nov. 22. The Divine Mercy chaplet will be prayed in the church at 3 p.m., followed by the procession from 3:15-4 p.m. and closing with Benediction.
Cookies for prisoners
Criminal Justice Ministry is seeking donations of cookies to be delivered to the correctional centers in Potosi and Farmington. Baked goods must be delivered in plastic containers, and donations of regular and sugar-free cookies are sought. (No aluminum foil or metal containers can be accepted.) Donations may be dropped off at CJM’s new headquarters, 2342 LaSalle St. in St. Louis, on Thursday, Dec. 1, or Thursday, Dec. 8. For more information, email
Party with Baby Jesus
The Daughters of St. Paul will host their annual Birthday Party for Baby Jesus on Saturday, Dec. 3, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Pauline Books & Media, 9804 Watson Road in Crestwood. The party has become a St. Louis tradition as generations of families have come to enjoy the festivities and to spend time with the Daughters of St. Paul. The party enables children to experience the true meaning of Christmas and includes photos at the manger (bring your own Nativity costume), story time and Christmas treats. Registration is appreciate but not required. Visit or call (314) 965-3512.
Blue Christmas vigil
A Blue Christmas Candlelight Vigil for those who have lost a child will take place at 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 4, at the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center, 4000 Highway 109 in Eureka. Participants are welcome to bring a photo of their child(ren) to be displayed on a Memorial Table, and candles will be lit in remembrance of them. The event is sponsored by Angel Parents Over St. Louis and facilitated by lay Marianist Diana Gorham. RSVPs are required. For more information, visit blue-christmas/.
National Night of Prayer for Life
Catholics across the nation and in the Archdiocese of St. Louis will petition the Blessed Mother to protect life and the family, establish peace, and renew the Church as part of the annual National Night of Prayer for Life. The annual evening of prayer spans the feast of the Immaculate Conception on Thursday, Dec. 8, and the anniversary of Our Lady of Guadalupe’s first apparition to St. Juan Diego on Friday, Dec. 9. Catholics are asked to pray for the unborn, an end to abortion and for protection of the sanctity of human life. If your parish is participating in the National Night of Prayer for Life, please email Review reporter Jennifer Brinker at by Monday, Nov. 28, with the details. A listing of participating parishes will be published in an upcoming edition of the Review.
In search of rosaries
The Marianist Retreat & Conference Center in Eureka is seeking rosaries for its “Rosary Wall,” which offers rosaries to those on retreat to use while visiting, and if desired, to take home for continued prayer. Non-plastic rosaries are requested. Rosaries may be dropped off at the retreat center (place them on the front porch if the front door is locked) or mailed to Marianist Retreat & Conference Center, P.O. Box 718, 4000 Highway 109, Eureka, MO 63043.
Advent retreat
An Advent retreat, “Cultivating a Listening Heart,” will be held Dec. 9-11 at the Marianist Retreat & Conference Center in Eureka. Veteran retreat leaders Father Tom Santen, Steve Givens and Lucia Signorelli will draw retreatants closer to Jesus as the Incarnate Word of God through Scripture-opening teaching and experiences of various kinds of contemplative prayer. Registration information and additional details may be found at advent-retreat-2022/.
50th anniversary jubilarian
Sister Carol Jean Hecht, School Sisters of Notre Dame, celebrated the 50th anniversary of her first profession.
Birthplace: Peoria, Illinois
Entrance: 1969
First profession: 1972
Final profession:1979
Education: Bachelor’s in American Studies, Notre Dame College, St. Louis, 1973
Master’s in Early Childhood Education, Webster College, 1984.
Service in the archdiocese: Teacher, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Louis, 1973-76
Teacher, St. Joseph, Manchester, 1979-81
Administrator, Visitation Child Development Center, St. Louis, 1981-84
Teacher, St. Engelbert, St. Louis, 1984-89
Teacher, St. Paul School, St. Louis, 2000-11, 2017-21
Teacher, St. Louis Catholic Academy, St. Louis, 2011-17
Catholic Pastoral Care assistant, Friendship Village, Sunset Hills, 2021-present
Service outside the archdiocese: Teacher in Fort Madison, Iowa; Port Loko, Sierra Leone; Hermann, Missouri; and Red Bud, Illinois
About Sister Carol Jean Hecht: Every experience of mission as a SSND has been blessed. Each community and ministry I have experienced, especially Africa, has brought me to a deeper understanding of being faithful to my God and trusting in His leading me onward.
Eucharistic procession A eucharistic procession will take place at Little Flower Church, 1264 Arch Terrace in Richmond Heights, on Tuesday, Nov. 22. The Divine Mercy chaplet will be prayed in … Archdiocesan news briefs
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