Archdiocesan news

Jubilarians | Benedictines (OSB)

60th Monastic Profession

Father Ralph Wright

Birth name: David

Birthplace: Ollerton, England

Entrance: 1959

First profession: 1960

Final profession: 1963

Ordination: 1970

Education: Bachelor of Arts, Literae Humaniores, University of Oxford, 1966

Licentiate in sacred theology, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 1970

Service in the archdiocese: Latin, Greek, theology and creative writing teacher, St. Louis Priory School, 1979-2017

Form master, advisor and tennis coach at St. Louis Priory School

Long-time advisor for Priory’s Respect Life Club

Vocation director and novice master for the monastery

Service outside the archdiocese: Formation, Ampleforth Abbey, York, United Kingdom, 1960-70

About Father Ralph Wright: Father Ralph was professed as a monk of Ampleforth Abbey in 1960, in his native England. In 1970, after his ordination to the priesthood, he was asked to join the Benedictine community in St. Louis. He transferred his stability to St. Louis Priory (later Abbey) when the community became independent from Ampleforth in 1973. Father Ralph is a well-known tireless advocate for pro-life causes. He has made countless trips to Washington, D.C., for the annual March for Life, participates in numerous St. Louis area events, and has been recognized by many local pro-life groups for his dedication to the cause. Known for his love of both writing and his faith, Father Ralph published many books and is an accomplished poet. His publications include “Ripples of Stillness,” “Seamless,” “Our Daily Bread,” “Eloquence of Truth,” “Perhaps God and Christ,” and “Our Love for All Seasons” among many others. His works explore inspirational subjects, thought-provoking observations, and always, the glory of God.
