
Obituary | Sister Charlotte Gaughan, SSND

Sr. Gaughan

Sister Charlotte Gaughan, a School Sister of Notre Dame and retired educator, died June 15 at age 94.

Born in Pana, Illinois, she met the School Sisters of Notre Dame in high school and following graduation, she entered the candidature at Sancta Maria in Ripa in St. Louis in 1944. She was received into the novitiate in 1946 and given the name Mary Carol Therese. She pronounced her first vows in 1947 and final vows in 1953. She returned to her baptismal name in 1970.

Sister Charlotte earned a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the former Notre Dame College in St. Louis in 1958 and a master’s degree in education from Xavier University in New Orleans in 1964.

Sister Charlotte ministered in elementary education for 37 years as teacher, musician and principal. She taught in Louisiana, Iowa and Mississippi and taught and was a principal in Illinois. In Missouri, she taught at Sacred Heart School in Valley Park, St. Peter in Robertson, St. Mary of Victories in St. Louis, St. Bernadette in Lemay, Our Lady of Sorrows in St. Louis and St. Dominic Savio in Affton.

Sister Charlotte also served at the School Sisters of Notre Dame’s Villa Gesu retirement home. From 1985-98, she shared her culinary and baking skills at the Oblate Novitiate in Godfrey, Illinois. She returned to serving the community on staff at Sancta Maria in Ripa in St. Louis for four years. In 2003, she moved to Veronica House in Bridgeton, and then moved to Anna House in 2013.

A burial service was held on June 19 with burial in the Sancta Maria in Ripa cemetery. A memorial Mass will be celebrated at a later date.