Obituary | Sr. Marian Andrews, SL
A funeral Mass was celebrated for Sister Marian Andrews, SL, Feb. 18 at the Church of the Seven Dolors on the grounds of Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Ky. Sister Marian, 92, died Feb. 13 at Loretto Motherhouse Infirmary. She was in her 68th year as a Sister of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross.
Born in Pueblo, Colo., she entered the Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross in 1949, taking the name Sister John Carroll. She was known by that name until 1993, when she resumed use of her baptismal name, Marian. She made first vows in 1951, and final vows in 1955. Sister Marian earned a bachelor’s degree in dietetics, with minors in sociology and philosophy, from Loretto Heights College in Denver in 1946, and a master’s in home economics from St. Louis University in 1954.
In the St. Louis Archdiocese, Sister Marian taught religion at Nerinx Hall High School in Webster Groves in 1952. In the fall of that year, she joined the faculty at DeAndreis High School in north St. Louis, where she taught biology, foods and clothing for eight years. Sister Marian returned to DeAndreis as principal from 1963-65.
She also taught and was principal at Loretto High School in Louisville (1960-63), was principal in Denver at Holy Family High School (1965-1967) and Machebeuf High School (1967-1982), where she also served as academic dean (1982-1993). Retiring from Machebeuf in 1993, Sister Marian served the Denver area Loretto Community, worked part-time for the Loretto Staff Office and volunteered for a Denver medical center.
From 1999 to 2002, she was team coordinator of personnel at Loretto Center in Littleton, Colo. Retiring in 2002, Sister Marian resided at Loretto Center until August 2016, when she moved to Loretto Motherhouse. There she carried out a ministry of prayer and presence until her death.
Sister Marian is survived by a sister, Carol Landon of Boise, Idaho. Burial was in the Loretto Cemetery on the Loretto Motherhouse grounds.
A funeral Mass was celebrated for Sister Marian Andrews, SL, Feb. 18 at the Church of the Seven Dolors on the grounds of Loretto Motherhouse in Nerinx, Ky. Sister Marian, … Obituary | Sr. Marian Andrews, SL
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