Report: More than 2,400 anti-Christian hate crimes occurred in Europe in 2023
VIENNA — With new reports of human rights organizations in Europe, it is clear that anti-Christian discrimination is a hot-button issue on the continent, and on the rise. The Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe revealed widespread intolerance and discrimination against Christians in Europe in its Nov. 15 report, published in cooperation with the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, or OSCE, and its Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights. OIDAC Europe identified 2,444 anti-Christian hate crimes which were documented by police and civil society in 35 European countries in 2023, including 232 personal attacks on Christians, such as harassment, threats and physical violence. These figures include data requested from governments, which found 1,230 anti-Christian hate crimes recorded by 10 European governments in 2023, up from 1,029 recorded by governments in 2022. (OSV News)
VIENNA — With new reports of human rights organizations in Europe, it is clear that anti-Christian discrimination is a hot-button issue on the continent, and on the rise. The Vienna-based … Report: More than 2,400 anti-Christian hate crimes occurred in Europe in 2023
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